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acceleration sensor | ACC102

acceleration sensor


  • Ideal for Harsh Environments
  • Hermetically Sealed
  • Superior Low Noise Floor for High Resolution
  • Rugged Strain Relief on Integral Cable
  • Fast Turn-on Time (1 Sec)
  • High EMI Noise Rejection
  • 100 mV/g Output
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The ACC102A accelerometer uses a shear mode design for high performance. It has a rugged stainless steel inner structure covered by a molded polymer. This construction makes the ACC102 impervious to harsh environments, such as alkaline coolants, hot oil and water sprays, resulting in long, reliable service. Additional features include high shock protection (to protect from dropping or mishandling), cross wire protection (protects against miswiring), and up to 1000 volt static discharge protection. The ACC102 has a high 100 mV/g output and measures across wide frequency and acceleration ranges. A low impedance cable allows for runs up to 1000 ft. The ACC102 exhibits the low noise floor and high amplitude linearity you’d expect in more expensive units.

Excitation: 2 mA @ 24 to 30 Vdc, constant current (18 V supply can be used but will limit amplitude range)
Rated Output: 100 mV/g nominal at 100 Hz
Frequency Range: 3 Hz to 5 kHz (up to ±5% rated output shift)
Amplitude Range: ±40 g peak w/ACC-PS1, ±75 g peak w/ACC-PS2, ACC-PS3
Amplitude Linearity: 1% up to 65 g peak
Temperature Range: -40 to 82°C (-40 to 180°F)
Temperature Sensitivity Effect:
-54 to 38°C (-65 to 100°F): ≤5% FS;
38 to 121°C (100 to 250°F): ≤8% FS
Thermal Shock: 1.2 g/°C
Transverse Sensitivity: 7% of axial max
Maximum g Without Damage: 5000 g peak
Maximum g Without Clipping: 75 g peak
Mounted Resonance Frequency: >23 kHz nominal
Output Impedance: 200 Ω nominal
Bias Voltage: 13 V nominal
Base Strain: 0.04 g/microstrain nominal
Noise Floor (Wideband): 0.0003 g (rms)
Weight: 50 g (1.8 oz) nominal (without cable)
   Inner Housing: 303 SS
   Outer Jacket: Non-conductive composite polymer
Dimensions: 2.16 H x 2.54 cm D (0.85 x 1.00")
Connector: 2.5 m (10') integral coaxial cable to BNCM
Mounting: 10-32 removable stud
Mounting Torque Max: 22 cm-kg (20 in-lb)
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

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