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Solid State Temperature Sensor

AD590 Series

Solid State Temperature Sensors | AD590 Series

Solid State Temperature Sensors

¥417.25 AD590JH

  • Temperature Sensor with a Linear Current Output
  • Broad Range –55 to 150°C
  • No Linearization Circuity Required
  • Versatile and Economical
  • Fast Response Temperature Sensor
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The AD590 is a small IC temperature sensor that converts a temperature input into a proportional current output.

The advanced technology in the AD590 is especially suited for special temperature measurement and control applications between –55 and 150°C when solid state reliability, linearity and accuracy are required. The AD590 temperature sensor can be used to determine minimum, average, and differential temperatures, in addition to being used for thermocouple cold junction compensation and temperature control applications. The size and responsiveness of the AD590 IC Sensor makes it perfect for uses where size is a consideration, such as on PC boards or heat sinks.

Just power up and measure absolute temperature (Kelvin). No linearization, amplification or cold junction compensation is required.

Absolute Maximum Ratings Forward Voltage (E+ to E–):
+44 V
Reverse Voltage (E+ to E–): –20 V Breakdown Voltage
(case to E+ or E–): ±200 V
Lead Temperature: 300°C
Voltage Range: +4 to +30 Vdc Nominal Current Output at 25°C
(298.2 K): 298.2 µA Nominal Temperature Coefficient: 1 µA/K
Calibration Error: J: ±5.0°C
maximum (K: ±2.5°C)
Absolute Error: w/o external
Calibration Adjustment:
J: ±10.0°C maximum (K: ±5.5°C);
W/25°C error set to zero J: ±3.0°C
maximum (K: ±2.0°C)
Repeatability: ±0.1°C maximum
Long-Term Drift: ±0.1°C/month max.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

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订购示例: (1) AD590KF AD590 temperature sensor, ¥920.70