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AR91 and AR92 Series

Miniature Pressure Regulators | AR91 and AR92 Series

Miniature Pressure Regulators

¥545.33 AR91-015

  • Designed for Applications with Limited Space and for Low Flow or Dead-End Service
  • Small Package Size and Lightweight Construction
  • Corrosion Resistant Anodized Aluminum Exterior
  • Excellent Stability and Repeatability
  • Self Relieving
  • Low-Cost
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The AR90 Series miniature pressure regulator is a compact, low cost unit which operates in pressure ranges up to 100 psi, with a maximum supply pressure of 250 psi. It provides reliability and accuracy for low flow and dead end applications, but is not designed for critical flow applications. The unit is designed with a corrosion resistant anodized aluminum body with a standard fluorocarbon diaphragm.

Supply Pressure Effect: <0.25 psig (17.02 mbar)
Exhaust Capacity (@5 psi > Setpoint): 0.1 to 0.3 SCFM (2.8 to 8.5 LPM) typical
Max. Supply Pressure: 250 psig (17.2 bar)
Flow Capacity: 2.5 SCFM (71 LPM) typical
Total Air Consumption:3 SCFH (84.6 LPM) typical
Port Size: 1/16-27 NPT or 5 mm metric thread
Materials of Construction:
  Body: Anodized Aluminum
  Adjusting Screw: Plated Steel
  Trim: Brass, Acetal
  Diaphragm: Fluorocarbon with Polyester Fabric
  Knob: Acetal Resin
  Spring: Music Wire
Dimensions: 22.2 x 22.2 x 84.6 mm (0.875 x 0.875 x 3.33")
Weight: 0.06 kg (2.2 oz)
Mounting Options: Pipe or Panel
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

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AR91 Miniature Pressure Regulators with 1/16-27 NPT Threads
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货期: 2 周
0 to 5 psig (0 to 0.35 bar) range
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货期: 5 周
0 to 15 psig (0 to 1.0 bar) range
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货期: 7 周
0 to 30 psig (0 to 2.1 bar) range
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货期: 9 周
0 to 60 psig (0 to 4.1 bar) range
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货期: 5 周
0 to 100 psig (0 to 7 bar) range
AR92 Miniature Pressure Regulators with 5 mm Metric Threads
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货期: 11 周
0 to 5 psig (0 to 0.35 bar) range
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货期: 8 周
0 to 15 psig (0 to 1.0 bar) range
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货期: 6 周
0 to 30 psig (0 to 2.1 bar) range
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货期: 9 周
0 to 60 psig (0 to 4.1 bar) range
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货期: 9 周
0 to 100 psig (0 to 7 bar) range
订购示例: (1) AR91-100 miniature pressure regulator adjustable from 0-100 psig with 1/16-27 NPT fittings, ¥545.33