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Digital Handheld Temperature Calibrator | CL3512A

Digital Handheld Temperature Calibrator

¥2,704.90 CL3512A

1年保修 CE
  • 8-Point, NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate
  • Large 31/2 Digit Display
  • Type J/K/T/E TC Calibrator and Thermometer
  • Range -220 to 1372°C (-364 to 1999°F)
  • Dual Input T1, T2, T1-T2
  • Hold Function
  • °C/°F Selectable
  • 0.1°/1° Display Resolution Selectable
  • Rugged Case Design with Rubber Boot
  • Backlit LCD Display
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The CL3512A handheld calibrator is two meters in one at an attractive low price. The CL3512A is a temperature calibrator, or thermocouple calibrator, that simulates type J/K/T/E thermocouple signals. Each signal is adjustable by using the coarse and fine dials. The CL3512A can also be used as a dual type J/K/T/E input thermocouple thermometer. Features include a large 3 1/2 digit display with backlighting and display selections of HOLD, °C/°F, and 0.1°/1°.

Thermocouple Type:
Temperature Range: Celsius or Fahrenheit User
Selectable Measurement Ranges: K-Type -200 to 1372°C (-328 to 1999°F), J-Type -210 to 1200°C (-346 to 1999°F), T-Type -200 to 400°C (-328 to 752°F), E-Type -220 to 1000°C (-364 to 1832°F)
Calibration Range: Same as measurement range Auto Range: 0.1° to 1° resolution above 199.9 (°C or °F)
Measurement Accuracy: Accuracy is specified for operating temperatures over the range of 18 to 28°C (64 to 82°F), for 1 year, not including thermocouple error. ±(0.1%rdg + 1°C) range -60 to 1372°C ±(0.1%rdg + 2°C) range -60 to -220°C ±(0.1%rdg + 2°F) range -76 to 1999°F ±(0.1%rdg + 4°F) range -76 to -364°F
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注: Unit comes complete with one 9 V alkaline battery, rubber boot, 2 type K thermocouples, 1 type K cable, 8-Point, NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate and operator’s manual.
订购示例: (1) CL3512A Handheld Temperature Thermocouple Calibrator and Thermometer, ¥2,704.90