The CN1166 1/16 DIN profile controller is capable of holding up to 4 programs of 16 segments each and includes an event output. The controller can be configured from the front of the instrument or by a PC through a configuration port. The configuration port has a dual purpose; first, it can be used to modify the controller setups, and secondly, it can be used to transfer programs or profiles. This controller has a fuzzy logic algorithm plus a pre-tune algorithm, that when combined provide shorter start-up time and reduced overshoot. The CN1166 contains many of the features of larger, more expensive profilers such as guaranteed soak, delayed start, profile active output, profile recovery features, profile cycling, plus an optional digital input for remote run/hold. RS-485 communications is also available with convenient, full access to all profile data. Modular I/O options allow for field upgrades by adding or replacing plug-in boards.产品编号生成器