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1/8 DIN开-关温度或过程控制器,带5个斜坡和恒值程序及有可选输出的2个定时器

CN1501 Series

Temperature or Process Controllers  | CN1501 Series

Temperature or Process Controllers


  • Temperature/Process Input
  • Ramped On/Off Control
  • Five Ramp and Soak Profiles, Each up to 10 Segments
  • Rate of Change and Min or Max Display
  • 4-Digit LED Display
  • Optional Alarms: 2 Process, 1 Rate, and 1 Deviation Alarm
  • Two Timers with Solid State Outputs
  • Built-in Alarm Buzzer with Relay or dc Pulse
温度过程控制器和电源开关装置 - 查看相关产品


The CN1501 indicator offers sophisticated microprocessor-based temperature control with ramp and soak, in a convenient 1/8 DIN (cutout) case. The CN1501 can store up to five ramp and soak profiles in memory; each profile can have up to 10 ramp/soak segments. The CN1501 uses ramped on-off control to provide optimum temperature stability.

The CN1501 can display average rate of temperature change per minute, as well as instantaneous temperature. Low and high peaks are constantly monitored, and can be displayed at the touch of a key. Two programmable timers are also featured (second timer is also used for On/Off control).These timers can be used as timer or time/temperature based alarms.

Examples of pricing for popular models is referenced in the "To Order" box. Use the "Part Number Builder" below to get pricing for all available models.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with thermistor input with 4 dc pulse alarm outputs
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with thermistor input with 240 Vac power
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with type J,K,T,E thermocouple input with 240 Vac power
Quick Ship
货期: 2 周
Controller with type J,K,T,E thermocouple input
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with type B thermocouple input
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with type J,K,T,E thermocouple input, with alarms
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with voltage input, with alarms
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with type R thermocouple input, with alarms
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with type S thermocouple input, 240 Vac power
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with RTD input, 4 dc drivers
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with RTD input
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Controller with thermistor input, Four dc Pulse drivers for alarms,and two dc Pulse for timers



(1) On/Off Controllers 选项:
CN1501-TC for Controller with type J K T or E T/C
CN1501-R for Controller with type R T/C
CN1501-S for Controller with type S T/C
CN1501-B for Controller with type B T/C
CN1501-RTD for Controller with RTD input
CN1501-TH for Controller with Thermistor input
CN1501-C for Controller with Current input
CN1501-V for Controller with voltage input
CN1501-P for Controller with millivolt input

(2) Other Options 选项:
无(选项为空白) for Standard Unit
-1 for 240 Vac power
-2 for 9 to 15 Vdc power
-3 for Four 1 A alarm relays and two dc Pulse drivers for timers
-4 for Four dc Pulse drivers for alarms and two dc Pulse for timers
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。