Series 选项:CN2120 for Ramp/soak profile controller
CN2121 for Ramp/soak profile controller with output failure detection or potentiometer feedback (field selectable)
Output 1 and 2 选项:R1-R2 for Relay and relay
T1-T2 for AC SSR and AC SSR
DC1-R2 for DC pulse and relay
DC1-DC2 for DC pulse and DC pulse
R3 for SERVOMOTOR relay and relay
Output 5 and 6 选项:无(选项为空白) for None
-F5-F6 for Output 5 (0 to 20 and 4 to 20 mA). Output 6 (0 to 20 and 4 to 20 mA)
-LV for 24 Vac/Vdc power
Additional Option 选项:无(选项为空白) for None
-A2 for RS485 auxiliary power supply
-A4 for RS485 auxiliary power supply clock
-A6 for RS485 auxiliary power supply 4 logic inputs 5 digital outputs
-A7 for RS485 auxiliary power supply 8 logic inputs 10 digital outputs
-A8 for RS485 auxiliary power supply 4 logic inputs 5 digital outputs clock
-A9 for RS485 auxiliary power supply 8 logic inputs 10 digital outputs clock
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。