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i系列1/8 DIN可编程应变/过程PID控制器及仪表,采用RS-232和RS-485通讯,具有完全可编程彩色显示屏

CNiS8 & DPiS8 Series

iS32 and iS8 Strain & load cell PID controllers | Omega Engineering | CNiS8 & DPiS8 Series

¥3,829.54 DPiS8

5年保修 CE
  • High Quality
  • FREE 5-Year Warranty
  • High Accuracy 0.03% Rdg
  • User-Friendly, Simple to Configure
  • Free Software
压力和应变测量仪器 - 查看相关产品


For our newest line of controllers with Modbus connectivity, expanded ramp and soak programs, universal inputs, and simple PC programming, visit our CNPT Series.

The OMEGA™ iS32 and iS8 are 1/32 and 1/8 DIN size (96 x 48 mm) Digital Panel Meters featuring the big iSeries color-changing display. The digits are twice the size of typical 1/8 DIN panel meters. The iSeries meters feature the only LED displays that can be programmed to change color between GREEN, AMBER, and RED at any set point or alarm point.

These series is available as an extremely accurate programmable digital panel meter with no outputs or with dual outputs for controlling or alarming functions. Other options include isolated programmable analog output, serial communications and Ethernet. If Modbus is required, we recommend our latest Platinum controllers - CNPT Series. The user can easily program the device for any control or alarming requirement from simple on-off to full autotune PID with a choice of Form C SPDT relays, Solid State Relays, DC pulse, and Analog (voltage and current) outputs.

Fully Isolated Analog Output for retransmission of the process value is available in addition to the control and alarm relays (specify model CNi8A33). The controller covers a broad selection of transducer and transmitter inputs with two input models:

The UNIVERSAL TEMPERATURE & PROCESS instrument (model "i") handles ten common types of thermocouples, multiple RTD's, and several Process (DC) Voltage and Current ranges.
This model also features built-in excitation, 24 Vdc @ 25 mA. With it's wide choice of signal inputs, this model is an excellent choice for measuring or controlling temperature with a thermocouple, RTD, or 4-20 mA transmitter.

The STRAIN & PROCESS instrument (model "iS") measures inputs from Load Cells, Pressure Transducers, and most any strain gauge sensor as well as Process Voltage and Current ranges. The "iS" has built-in 5 or 10 Vdc excitation for bridge transducers, 5 Vdc@ 40 mA or 10 Vdc @ 60 mA. (Any excitation voltage between 5 and 24 Vdc is available by special order). This "iS" model supports 4 and 6 wire bridge configurations, ratiometric and non-ratiometric measurements. The "iS" features fast and easy "in process" calibration/scaling of the signal inputs to any engineering units. This model also features 10 Point Linearization which allows the user to linearize the signal input from extremely nonlinear transducers of all kinds.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
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1/8 DIN i Series strain gage controller with two solid state relays and 90-240 Vac/dc power
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1/32 DIN i Series strain gage controller with two solid state relays, RS-232 & RS-485 communications and 90-240 Vac/dc power
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1/8 DIN i Series strain gage controller with two solid state relays, RS-232 & RS-485 communications and 24 Vac or 12-36 Vdc power
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1/8 DIN i Series strain gage controller with two Form "C" mechanical relays and 90-240 Vac/dc power
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货期: 8 周
1/8 DIN i Series strain gage controller with two Form "C" mechanical relays, RS-232 & RS-485 communications and 90-240 Vac/dc power
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1/8 DIN i Series strain gage controller with two Form "C" mechanical relays, RS-232 & RS-485 communications and 24 Vac or 12-36 Vdc power
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货期: 8 周
1/8 DIN i Series strain gage meter with 90-240 Vac/dc power
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货期: 8 周
1/32 DIN i Series strain gage meter with RS-232 & RS-485 communications and 90-240 Vac/dc power
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货期: 8 周
1/8 DIN i Series strain gage meter with 24 Vac or 12-36 Vdc power
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1/8 DIN i Series strain gage meter with RS-232 & RS-485 communications and 24 Vac or 12-36 Vdc power
注: Transducer excitation not available on models with serial communications ("-C24") option or low voltage power option ("-DC").



(1) Size 选项:
32 for 1/32 Din
8 for 1/8 DIN

(2) Control Outputs #1 选项:
2 for Solid State Relay/0.5 A at 120/240 Vac continuous
3 for SPDT Relay
4 for Pulsed 10 Vdc at 20 mA
5 for Analog Output 0 to 10 Vdc

(3) Control Outputs #2 选项:
2 for Solid State Relay/0.5 A at 120/240 Vac continuous
3 for Relay SPDT 3A at 120/3 A at 240 Vac
4 for Pulsed Driver 10 Vdc at 20 mA /for use with external SSR

(4) Serial Communications 选项:
无(选项为空白) for Standard Unit
-C24 for Isolated RS-232 and RS-485 300 to 19.2 k baud (no excitation voltage with C24 option)

(5) Power Supply 选项:
无(选项为空白) for Standard Power (90 to 240 Vac/dc @ 50 to 400 Hz)
-DC for Low Voltage Power (24 Vac or 12 to 36 Vdc power - no excitation with this option)
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。


下载 CNiS8 - i Series Controller Quick Start Manual
下载 CNiS - Process/Strain Gauge Controller Manual
下载 DPiS8C - Quick Start Manual Compact Process & Strain Gauge Monitor
下载 DPiS8, DPiS16, DPiS32 Series - Process/Strain Gauge Monitor Manual
下载 DPiS8 Series - i Series Monitor Quick Start Manual