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咨询热线 400-820-0559

通道带状加热器,陶瓷绝缘,38.1 x 7.94 mm (1 1/2 x 5/16")


Channel Strip Heaters Ceramic Insulated | CSH4

Channel Strip Heaters Ceramic Insulated


  • A Reliable Heat Source with Seamless Stainless Steel Sheath
  • Flat Surface Mounting Installations
  • Used in Hundreds of Industrial and Commercial Heating Applications
  • Ovens
  • Hot Plates
  • Dies
  • Molds
  • Drying
  • Melting
  • Baking
  • Incubators
  • Platens
  • Food Warmers
  • Welding Preheating
  • Air Heating
  • Sealing Bars
  • Thermoforming
  • Tank Heating
带状加热器 - 查看相关产品


Channel Strip Heaters have proven to be extremely efficient and dependable as a heat source for surface heating in hundreds of industrial and commercial applications. The rectangular tube gives full surface contact when used in a milled slot to provide maximum heat transfer area.
For surface mounting installations, channel strip heaters must be securely clamped along their entire length to a smooth metal surface. When supported by mounting tabs, the terminal end should be secured firmly. Opposite end should be loose to allow for thermal expansion.

Maximum Sheath Temperature: 650°C (1200°F)
Nominal Watt Density: 20 Watts/in² (3.1 Watts/cm²)
Maximum Watt Density: 45 Watts/in² (dependent on design parameters)
Maximum Voltage: 480 Vac (dependent on design parameters)
Maximum Recommended Voltage with Leads: 480V
Maximum Amperage:
    Lead Wire Termination: 10 amp
    Screw Terminations: 10-32UNF—25 amp
Resistance Tolerance: 10%, -5%
Wattage Tolerance: 5%, -10%
    16 mm (5/8") Wide Heaters: +0.000, -0.005"
    25 mm and 38 mm (1 and 11/2") Wide Heaters: +0.000, -0.010"
    6 mm (1/4") Thick Heaters: +0.000, –0.005"
    8 and 10 mm (5/16 and 3/8") Thick Heaters: +0.000, –0.008" [10 mm (3/8") thick heaters have radius corners]
    Up to 24": ±1/16"
    Over 24": ±1/8 "
Mounting Slot Size: Standard 8 x 13 mm (5/16 × 1/2")
Special Bushings: 13 x 16 mm (1/2 × 5/8")

Part numbers shown are for heaters with T2 Terminals and Mounting Tabs.
Model No. Length Wattage Watt Density
120V 240V inch mm Watt/in2 Watt/cm2
CSH00317 CSH00320 6 152.4 150 21 3
CSH00189 CSH00190 8 203.2 150 13 2
CSH00342 CSH00343 8 203.2 250 21 3
CSH00322 CSH00325 8 203.2 500 42 7
CSH00191 CSH00192 1012 266.7 250 12 2
CSH00193 CSH00194 12 304.8 350 13 2
CSH00195 CSH00196 14 355.6 500 15 2
CSH00197 CSH00198 1778 454.2 750 16 2
CSH00327 CSH00331 1912 495.3 1200 23 4
CSH00199 CSH00200 2334 603.3 750 11 2
CSH00201 2512 647.7 500 7 1
CSH00202 CSH00203 2914 743.0 750 8 1
CSH00204 3312 850.9 750 7 1
CSH00205 CSH00206 3458 879.5 1000 9 1
CSH00207 CSH00208 3578 911.2 1000 9 1
CSH00209 CSH00210 3714 946.2 1500 13 2
CSH00211 3812 977.9 800 7 1
CSH00212 5378 1368.6 1500 8 1
CSH00213 5378 1368.6 2500 14 2
CSH00214 6378 1622.6 1800 8 1
CSH00215 6378 1622.6 3000 14 2
CSH00216 7178 1825.8 2000 8 1
CSH00217 7178 1825.8 3000 12 2
Part numbers shown are for heaters with T1 Terminals and Mounting Tabs.
Model No. Length Wattage Watt Density
120V 240V inch mm Watt/in2 Watt/cm2
CSH00316 CSH00583 6 152.4 150 21 3
CSH00218 CSH00219 8 203.2 150 14 2
CSH00220 CSH00221 8 203.2 250 23 4
CSH00222 CSH00223 912 241.3 200 12 2
CSH00224 CSH00225 912 241.3 300 18 3
CSH00226 CSH00227 1012 266.7 250 13 2
CSH00228 CSH00229 12 304.8 250 10 2
CSH00230 CSH00231 12 304.8 500 20 3
CSH00345 CSH00528 12 304.8 350 12 2
CSH00232 CSH00233 14 355.6 300 9 1
CSH00234 CSH00235 14 355.6 500 15 2
CSH00236 CSH00237 1514 387.4 325 9 1
CSH00238 CSH00239 1514 387.4 500 13 2
CSH00240 CSH00241 1778 454.2 375 8 1
CSH00242 CSH00243 1778 454.2 500 11 2
CSH00244 CSH00245 1778 454.2 750 16 2
CSH00246 CSH00247 1778 454.2 1000 21 3
CSH00248 CSH00249 1912 495.3 500 10 1
CSH00250 CSH00251 1912 495.3 750 14 2
CSH00252 CSH00253 1912 495.3 1000 19 3
CSH00326 CSH00330 1912 495.3 1200 23 4
CSH00254 CSH00255 21 533.4 500 9 1
Part numbers shown are for heaters with T1 Terminals and Mounting Tabs.
Model No. Length Wattage Watt Density
120V 240V inch mm Watt/in2 Watt/cm2
CSH00256 CSH00257 2334 603.3 250 4 1
CSH00258 CSH00259 2334 603.3 500 7 1
CSH00260 CSH00261 2334 603.3 750 11 2
CSH00262 CSH00263 2334 603.3 1000 15 2
CSH00264 CSH00265 2334 603.3 1500 22 3
CSH00266 CSH00267 2512 647.7 750 10 2
CSH00268 CSH00269 2512 647.7 1000 13 2
CSH00270 CSH00271 2634 679.5 700 9 1
CSH00272 CSH00273 2634 679.5 750 10 1
CSH00347 CSH00348 2914 742.0 750 8 1
CSH00274 CSH00275 2978 758.8 750 8 1
CSH00276 CSH00277 3012 774.7 750 8 1
CSH00278 CSH00279 3312 850.9 750 7 1
CSH00280 CSH00281 3312 850.9 1000 10 2
CSH00282 CSH00283 3458 879.5 1000 9 1
CSH00284 CSH00285 3578 911.4 1000 9 1
CSH00286 CSH00287 3714 946.2 1500 13 2
CSH00288 CSH00289 3812 977.9 1000 8 1
CSH00290 CSH00291 4212 1079.5 1250 9 1
CSH00292 CSH00293 4212 1079.5 1500 11 2
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
Quick Ship
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120 Volt, 150 Watts, 6" Long, T2 Style
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120 Volt, 500 Watts, 14" Long, T2 Style
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120 Volt, 1200 Watts, 19 1/2" Long, T2 Style
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240 Volt, 250 Watts, 8" Long, T2 Style
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240 Volt, 500 Watts, 14" Long, T2 Style
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240 Volt, 1200 Watts, 19 1/2" Long, T2 Style



注: Part numbers shown are for heaters with T1 and T2 Terminals and Mounting Tabs.