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Isolated DIN Rail Mount Loop-Powered 2-Wire Signal Conditioners

DRLP Series

Isolated DIN Rail Mount Loop-Powered 2-Wire Signal Conditioners | DRLP Series

¥2,923.68 DRLP-MV1

1年保修 CE
  • ±0.03% Accuracy (Typical)
  • ±0.01% Linearity
  • 1500Vrms Transformer Isolation and 240Vrms Field-Side Protection
  • ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 Transient Protection
  • Wide Loop Supply Voltage, 10.8V to 60V
  • 5-Pole Low-Pass Filtering
  • Up to 160 dB CMR
  • 85dB NMR at 60Hz, 80dB at 50Hz
  • Protected Against Reverse Connection of Loop Voltage
  • -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) Operating Temperature
  • Mounts on DIN Rail EN 50022, 35 x 7.5 or 35 x 15
  • CE Compliant
  • Manufactured per RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC
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The new DRLP Series of loop powered 2-wire transmitters consists of seven family groups with a total of 48 transmitter models that interface to a wide variety of voltage, current, temperature and position measuring devices. The DRLP Series provides superior specifications such as ±0.03% accuracy, five poles of filtering, 1500 Vrms continuous isolation, low output noise, and much more. The DRLP Series 2-wire transmitter conditions and sends analog signals from sensors located in the “field” to monitoring and control equipment, usually computers, located thousands of feet away in central control areas. The DRLP Series accepts a wide range of inputs, including millivolt, volt, milliamp, thermocouple, RTD, potentiometer, and slide wire. It operates on power from a 2-wire signal loop and modulates the supply current to represent the input signal within a 4 to 20-milliamp range. Two-wire transmission loops are very economical methods for connecting sensors to distant control rooms. Since the DRLP Series operates from the signal loop current, no additional, expensive power and wiring are required. Only low cost, twisted pair wiring is needed.

DRLP Loop Drive Capability
The DRLP Series transmitter’s wide range of loop supply voltage (10.8V to 60V) makes it a versatile device which can be used in most any current loop. The maximum loop resistance is determined by subtracting the transmitter’s minimum loop supply voltage from the total loop supply voltage and dividing the result by the maximum loop current (see graph). The low loop supply voltage of 10.8V allows the DRLP to be used in applications with low output power supplies and the high Loop Supply Voltage of 60V allows use in applications with long distance current loops.

Input Protection
  Continuous: 240 Vrms maximum
  Transient: ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
CMV, Input to Output
  Continuous: 1500 Vrms maximum
  Transient: ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
  Output: 100 kHz:3µArms
Output Range: 4 to 20 mA
Output Protection
  Reverse Polarity: Continuous
  Over-Voltage: 240 Vrms continuous
  Transient: ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
Loop Supply Voltage: 10.8V to 60V
Loop Supply Sensitivity: ±0.0005%/V
Turn-On Delay: 400 ms
  Operating Temperature Range: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)
  Storage Temperature Range: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)
Relative Humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing
Emissions EN61000-6-4: ISM, Group 1
  Radiated, Conducted: Class A
Immunity EN61000-6-2: ISM, Group 1
  RF: Performance A ±0.5% span error
  ESD, EFT: Performance B
Mechanical Dimensions: 75 H x 22.5 W x 105 mm D (2.95 x 0.89 x 4.13")
Mounting: DIN EN 50022 35 x 7.5 mm or 35 x 15 mm rail

See attached PDF for detailed Transmitter Specifications
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DRLP-MV/DRLP-V (Voltage Input)
Quick Ship
货期: 9 周
±10 mV Input Range
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±50 mV Input Range
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±100 mV Input Range
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0 to 10 mV Input Range
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0 to 50 mV Input Range
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0 to 100 mV Input Range
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±1V Input Range
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±5V Input Range
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±10V Input Range
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0 to 1V Input Range
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0 to 5V Input Range
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0 to 10V Input Range
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±20V Input Range
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0 to 20V Input Range
DRLP-C (Current Input)
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货期: 9 周
4 to 20 mA Input Range
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货期: 9 周
0 to 20 mA Input Range
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货期: 9 周
100 Ω Pt -100 to 100°C (-148 to 212°F) Input Range
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100 Ω Pt 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F) Input Range
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100 Ω Pt 0 to 200°C (32 to 392°F) Input Range
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100 Ω Pt 0 to 600°C (32 to 1112°F) Input Range
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100 Ω Pt 0 to 400°C (32 to 752°F) Input Range
DRLP-RTD6 (Ni RTD Input)
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货期: 9 周
120 Ω Ni 0 to 300°C (32 to 572°F) Input Range
DRLP-P (Potentiometer Input)
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货期: 9 周
0 to 100Ω Input Range
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货期: 9 周
0 to 500Ω Input Range
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0 to 1 kΩ Input Range
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0 to 10 kΩ Input Range
DRLP-ITC (Non-Linearized Thermocouple Input)
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J T/C, -100 to 760°C (-148 to 1400°F) Input Range
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K T/C, -100 to 1350°C (-148 to 2462°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
T T/C, -100 to 400°C (-148 to 752°F) Input Range
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E T/C, 0 to 900°C (32 to 1652°F) Input Range
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R T/C, 0 to 1750°C (32 to 3182°F) Input Range
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S T/C, 0 to 1750°C (32 to 3182°F) Input Range
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B T/C, 0 to 1800°C (32 to 3272°F) Input Range
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N T/C, -100 to 1300°C (-148 to 2372°F) Input Range
DRLP-LTC (Linearized Thermocouple Input)
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货期: 9 周
J T/C, 0 to 760°C (32 to 1400°F) Input Range
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J T/C, -100 to 300°C (-148 to 572°F) Input Range
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J T/C, 0 to 500°C (32 to 932°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
K T/C, 0 to 1000°C (32 to 1832°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
K T/C, 0 to 500°C (32 to 932°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
K T/C, -100 to 1350°C (-148 to 2462°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
K T/C, 0 to 1200°C (32 to 2192°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
T T/C, -100 to 400°C (-148 to 752°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
T T/C, 0 to 200°C (32 to 392°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
E T/C, 0 to 1000°C (32 to 1832°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
R T/C, 500 to 1750°C (932 to 3182°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
S T/C, 500 to 1750°C (932 to 3182°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
B T/C, 500 to 1800°C (932 to 3272°F) Input Range
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货期: 9 周
N T/C, -100 to 1300°C (-148 to 2372°F) Input Range
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货期: 2 周
35 mm DIN rail, 1 m (3.3') length
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theRAIL-35-2
货期: 2 周
35 mm DIN rail, 2 m (6.6') length
订购示例: (1) DRLP-MV1 ±10 mV Input Range, ¥2,923.68  plus (1) RAIL-35-1 35 mm DIN rail, 1 m (3.3') length, ¥155.45, ¥2,923.68 + 155.45 = ¥3,079.13



(1) Thermocouple 选项:
无(选项为空白) for None Thermocouple Models
-ITC for Non-Linearized Thermocouple Input
-LTC for Linearized Thermocouple Input

(2) Input Range 选项:
MV1 for ± 10 mV
MV2 for ± 50 mV
MV3 for ± 100 mV
MV4 for 0 to 10 mV
MV5 for 0 to 50 mV
MV6 for 0 to 100 mV
V1 for ± 1V
V2 for ± 5V
V3 for ± 10V
V4 for 0 to 1V
V5 for 0 to 5V
V6 for 0 to 10V
V7 for ± 20V
V8 for 0 to 20V
C1 for 4 to 20 mA
C2 for 0 to 20 mA
RTD1 for -100 to 100°C (-148 to 212°F)
RTD2 for 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F)
RTD3 for 0 to 200°C (32 to 392°F)
RTD4 for 0 to 600°C (32 to 1112°F)
RTD5 for 0 to 400°C (32 to 752°F)
RTD6 for 0 to 300°C (32 to 572°F) 120 Ohm Ni.
P1 for 0 to 100 Ohm
P2 for 0 to 500 Ohm
P3 for 0 to 1 k Ohm
P4 for 0 to 10 k Ohm
J for -100 to 760°C (-148 to 1400°F) Non-Linearized Type J Thermocouple
K for -100 to 1350°C (-148 to 2462°F) Non-Linearized Type K Thermocouple
T for -100 to 400°C (-148 to 752°F) Non-Linearized Type T Thermocouple
E for 0 to 900°C (32 to 1652°F) Non-Linearized Type E Thermocouple
R for 0 to 1750°C (32 to 3182°F) Non-Linearized Type R Thermocouple
S for 0 to 1750°C (32 to 3182°F) Non-Linearized Type S Thermocouple
B for 0 to 1800°C (32 to 3272°F) Non-Linearized Type B Thermocouple
N for -100 to 1300°C (-148 to 2372°F) Non-Linearized Type N Thermocouple
J1 for 0 to 760°C (32 to 1400°F) Linearized Type J Thermocouple
J2 for -100 to 300°C (-148 to 572°F) Linearized Type J Thermocouple
J3 for 0 to 500°C (32 to 932°F) Linearized Type J Thermocouple
K1 for 0 to 1000°C (32 to 1832°F) Linearized Type K Thermocouple
K2 for 0 to 500°C (32 to 932°F) Linearized Type K Thermocouple
K3 for -100 to 1350°C (-148 to 2462°F) Linearized Type K Thermocouple
K4 for 0 to 1200°C (32 to 2192°F) Linearized Type K Thermocouple
T1 for -100 to 400°C (-148 to 752°F) Linearized Type T Thermocouple
T2 for 0 to 200°C (32 to 392°F) Linearized Type T Thermocouple
E for 0 to 1000°C (32 to 1832°F) Linearized Type E Thermocouple
R for 500 to 1750°C (932 to 3182°F) Linearized Type R Thermocouple
S for 500 to 1750°C (932 to 3182°F) Linearized Type S Thermocouple
B for 500 to 1750°C (932 to 3182°F) Linearized Type B Thermocouple
N for -100 to 1300°C (-148 to 2372°F) Linearized Type N Thermocouple
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。


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下载 Isolated DIN Rail Mount 2-WireTrasmitters