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咨询热线 400-820-0559

Digital Open Channel Water Velocity MetersDiscontinued Product


Digital Open Channel Water Velocity MetersDiscontinued Product | FPG-101-201


  • Ideal for Storm Water, Rivers, Ditches, Flumes, Sewers, Effluents, Canals, Creeks
  • Turbo-Propeller Sensor
  • Waterproof Digital Display
  • Telescoping Expandable Handle — .9 to 1.8 m or 1.5 to 4.5 m (3 to 6 ft or 5 to 15 ft)


The FPG-101 and FPG-201 flow probes are highly accurate water velocity instruments for measuring flows in open channels and partially filled pipes such as sewers. The flow probe consists of a protected turboprop positive displacement sensor connected by an expandable probe handle to a digital readout display. The flow probe incorporates true velocity averaging for the most accurate flow measurement. It is ideal for storm water runoff studies, measuring flows in rivers and streams as well as in ditches and sewers. The probe housing can be placed directly on the bottom of pipes or stream beds for measuring low flows to 1 1 /2 " depth. The turboprop is easily removed for cleaning or replacement.
注: Unit comes complete with padded carrying case and operator’s manual.