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HBM High Temperature Strain Gauges | High Temperature and Resistant to Alternating Loads


HBM Strain Gauges | High Temperature Strain Gauges | OMEGA | HBM-M-Series

HBM Strain Gauges | High Temperature Strain Gauges | OMEGA


  • High Resistance to Alternating Loads
  • High Temperature Range 300°C (572°F)
  • Wide Spectrum of Different Types
应变计, 配件和测量仪器 - 查看相关产品


M Series strain gauges have been specially developed for high resistance to alternating loads at increased strain levels and high temperatures up to 300°C (572°F). They are foil strain gauges with measuring grids made of a special nickel-chromium alloy. OMEGA/HBM offer this special strain gauge with various geometries, measuring grid lengths and temperature response matching.

New materials offering high strength such as fiber composites pose a major challenge for strain gauges used for measurements specifically when pushing components to their mechanical limit of performance. Situations may arise where a strain gauge subjected to alternating loads at increased load levels is weakened and fails earlier than the component under test. The M Series has been specially developed for high resistance to alternating loads and allows for testing of materials featuring high strength.

All M Series strain gauge types are available with different measuring grid lengths:
    • 1.5 mm: where space is a constraint or when highly selective measurement results are required
    • 3 mm: for inhomogeneous materials and where space is a requirement or not
    • 6 mm: for inhomogeneous materials and where space is not a requirement

The right measuring grid length: The measuring grid length depends on the aim of measurement, since the result of a measurement with strain gauges will be determined as the average of strains. In general, measuring grid lengths of 3 to 6 mm (0.06 to 0.24") generates a better result.

Long measuring grids are recommended where there is an inhomogeneous material such as concrete or wood. A long strain gauge will bridge the inhomogeneity of the work piece and return the strain underneath the measuring grid as the measurement result.

Short measuring grids are suitable for detecting a local strain state. Therefore, they are suitable for determining strain gradients, the maximum point of notch stresses and similar stresses.

Strain Gage Construction–Foil Strain Gauge
Glass fiber reinforced phenolic
    Thickness: 35 ±10 µm
Grid Foil:
    Material: CrNi
    Thickness: 5 µm
    Material: Polyimide film
    Thickness: 25 ±5 µm
Connections: Solder pads with strain relief
Resistance: 350 and 1000 Ω
Resistance Tolerance: ±0.3%(1)
Gage Factor: Approximate 2.2 (specified on each package)
Gage Factor Tolerance: ±1.5% (for grid length <3 mm) ±0.7% (for grid length ≥3 mm)
Temperature Coefficient of the Gauge Factor: Specified on each package
Transverse Sensitivity: Specified on each package
Operating Temperature Range: -200 to 300°C (-328 to 662°F)
Temperature Response (Ferrite Steel): 10.8 ppm/K (6.0 ppm/°F)
Maximum Elongation:
    Positive Direction: 10,000 µm (1%)
    Negative Direction: 15,000 µm (-1.5%)
Minimum Bending Radius: 5 mm (0.20") for linear gauges 10 mm (0.39") for stacked rosettes
Bonding Material that Can Be Used: Z70 or EP310S
Fatigue Life (Test to Failure):
    107 cycles at 2000 µm/m
    106 cycles at 2200 µm/m
    104 cycles at 3100 µm/m
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
For dimensions refer to "To Order" table in Specs
All models below are 350Ω Nominal Resistance
LM1: Linear strain gauge with one measurement grid measuring strain in one direction
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
10 pack, Voltage 7
Quick Ship
货期: 14 周
10 pack, Voltage 11
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
10 pack, Voltage 16
TM1: T rosette with two measurement grids, offset by 90° measuring tension and compression
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 7
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 11
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 22
TM9: Stacked T rosette with two measurement grids, offset by 90° measuring tension and compression
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 5.8
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 10
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 14
XM4: V-shaped strain gauge with two measurement grids, arranged at ±45° to the axis determination of shear stresses
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 5.4
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 10
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 17
RM8: Rectangular strain gauge rosette with three measurement grids at 0°/45°/90° biaxial stress state with unknown principal stress direction
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 7
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 11
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 16
RM9: Stacked strain gauge rosette with three measurement grids at 0°/45°/90° biaxial stress state with unknown principal stress direction
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 5.3
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 9.3
Quick Ship
货期: 16 周
5 pack, Voltage 13
Quick Ship
Rapid adhesive; single component cold curing adhesive made of cyanacrylate
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High temperature adhesive; two-component epoxy resin adhesive
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货期: 16 周
Accelerator for Z70 rapid adhesive; epoxy resin adhesive
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货期: 16 周
Cleaning solvent; environmentally friendly mixture of isopropanol and acetone
Quick Ship
Cleaning solvent; environmentally friendly mixture of isopropanol and acetone
注: † Maximum permitted effective excitation voltage specified for steel material.

Instructions for Use of Accessories shown under Product Manuals below.

All listed adhesives are specifically designed/approved to be used for the new M Series of strain gauges.

Safety Data Sheets for Accessories can be found (without "1-" Part Number prefix) at, Support, MSDS.



(1) Geometries 选项:
LM1 for Linear strain gage with one measurement grid
TM1 for Stacked T rosette with two measurement grids
XM4 for V-shaped strain gage with two measurement grids
RM8 for Rectangular strain gage rosette with three measurement grids
RM9 for Stacked strain gage rosette with three measurement grids

(2) Measurement Grid mm(inch) 选项:
1.5 for Measurement Grid A 1.5 (0.06)
3 for Measurement Grid A 3 (0.12)
6 for Measurement Grid A 6 (0.24)
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。


下载 Rapid Adhesive (English/German/French)
下载 Two-component Epoxy resin adhesive (English/German/French)
下载 Accelerator for Z70 adhesive (English/German/French)