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Electronic Distance Measurement Tool | HH-DM

Electronic Distance Measurement Tool

¥912.17 HH-DM

1年保修 CE
  • 0.9 to 9m(3 to 30ft.) Range
  • Measures in Meters or Feet Switchable Via Keypad
  • Highly Accurate
  • Mounts Directly on OMEGA's OS530 Series Infrared Pyrometer
红外温度测量仪器 - 查看相关产品


The HH-DM electronic distance measurement tool sends out narrow beams of sound waves that "bounce" off solid objects back to the hand-held receiver. Custom electronics and a microprocessor then convert elapsed time into a distance measurement and display it on the LCD.

The HH-DM is the perfect accessory for OMEGA's OS530 infrared pyrometer. The HH-DM mounts directly on top of the HH-DM to provide one complete solution for non-contact temperature and distance measurement. (See the related links section below for more details on the OS530 infrared pyrometer).

Specifications Range: 0.9 to 9 m (3 to 30')
Accuracy: 0.5% of Rdg or 1.3 cm (0.5"), whichever is greater
Unit of Measurement: Meter or feet, switchable via keypad
Power: 9V Alkaline (included)
Sensor: Ultrasonic transducer
Dimensions: 130 L x 70 W x 28.5 mm H (51/8 L x 23/4 W x 11/8" H)
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货期: 2 周
Electronic Distance Measurement Tool
订购示例: (1) HH-DM Electronic distance measurement tool, ¥912.17