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OMEGAMETER® Mix和Match系列数字万用表

HHM33, HHM34, HHM35

Digital Multimeters, Digital Voltmeter, Digital Ampeter | HHM33, HHM34, HHM35

Digital Multimeters, Digital Voltmeter, Digital Ampeter


1年保修 CE
  • Special non- contact voltage feature: Meter buzzes when placed near live electrical circuits - HHM34 Unit ONLY!
  • Low Cost - High Value
  • Cheaper by the Dozen - See spec sheet for details
测试仪表 - 电气 - 查看相关产品


HHM33 Basic Unit
31/2 digit, 1999 Counts Digital Display
DC Volts: 0 to 2 V/20 V/600 V ±1.2%
AC Volts: 0-200 V/600 V/50 to 500 Hz ± 2.5%
DC Current: 0 to 200 µA/2 mA/20 mA/200 mA/10 A ±2.5%
Resistance: 0 to 200 /2 K/20 K/200 K/20 M ±2.0%
Resolution: 1 mV, 100 mV, 0.1 µA, 0.1
Battery Test: 1.5 V/9 V ±3.5%
Diode Test, 10A Fused, Safety Input Jacks, Safety Test Leads
Overload Protection on All Ranges

HHM34 Basic Unit
31/2 digit, 1999 Counts Digital Display
DC Volts: 0 to 200 mV/2 V/20 V/600 V ±1.2%
AC Volts: 0 to 200 mV/2 V/200 V/600 V/50-500 Hz ±2.0%
DC Current: 0 to 200 µA/20 mA/200 mA/10 A ±1.5%
AC Current:0 to 200 µA/20 mA/200 mA/10 A/50-500 Hz ±2.0%
Resistance: 0-200 /2 K/200 K/20 M±1.5%
Resolution: 100 µV, 0.1 µA, 0.1
Diode Test, Continuity Test, Non-Contact Voltage Indicator
Low-tension lines from 70 to 440Vac 50 to 60 Hz
Data Hold, MAX Hold,10A Fused
Safety Input Jacks, Safety Test Leads
Overload Protection on All Ranges

HHM35 Basic Unit
3200 Counts with Annunciators
Auto Power Off Function
Auto or Manual Range Selection

Bar Graph Display: 12 time/sec. sampling
DC Volts(Auto): 0 to 320 mV/3.2 V/32 V/320 V/600 V ±1.2%
AC Volts(Auto): 0 to 3.2 V/32 V/320 V/600 V/ 50-200 Hz ±2.0%
DC Current: 0 to 320 µA/3200 µA/32 mA/320 mA/10 A ±2.0%
AC Current: 0 to 320 µA/3200 µA/32 mA/320 mA/10 A ±2.5%
Resistance: 0 to 320 /3.2 K/320 K/3.2 M/30 M ±1.5%
Resolution: 100 µV, 0.1 µA, 0.1
Diode Test, Continuity Test, Data Hold, 10A Fused,
Safety Input Jacks, Safety Test Leads,
Overload Protection on All Ranges

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Basic DMM
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Voltage DMM with non-contact feature
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Multifunction DMM
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货期: 2 周
Spare set of test leads
注: Buy any combination of 12 units at one time and save 20% Each unit comes complete with test leads and operator’s manual


下载 HHM35 - Omegaette(tm) Digital Multimeter
下载 HHM34 - Omegaette(tm) Digital Multimeter
下载 HHM33 - Omegaette(tm) Digital Multimeter