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IP710 Series

Miniature High Accuracy I/P Transducer Electronic Air Pressure Control | IP710 Series

¥6,337.21 IP710-X15

2年保修 CE
  • High Accuracy Pneumatic Control 0.1% of Span
  • NEMA-4X (IP-65) Enclosure
  • 4 to 20 mA Loop Powered
  • Conduit or DIN Connector Wiring
  • Wall, Panel or Pipe Mounting Standard
  • Optional DIN Rail Mounting Kit
  • Input/Output Ports on Front and Back
  • External Zero and Span Adjustments
阀门, 调节器和I/P转换器 - 查看相关产品


The IP710 series l/P transducers are a series of compact high accuracy electronic pressure regulators that convert a 4 to 20 mA signal to a proportional pneumatic output. Utilizing internal solid-state feedback circuitry, the IP710 provides precise, stable pressure outputs to final control elements. Immunity to the effects of vibration or mounting position, high tolerance to impure air, and low air consumption make this unit ideal for use in demanding applications.

Typically these units are used for pneumatic applications that require electronic pressure control of valve actuators, pneumatic valve positioners, air cylinders, clutches, brakes, dampers, louvres, and pumps. Original equipment applications include manufacturers of machinery for grinding or polishing, welding, dispensing, web tensioning, semiconductor manufacturers, automated assembly, conveying, leak testing, food processing and painting to name a few.

Multiple choices for wiring and porting simplify installation and decrease the time required to do so. In addition to standard wall, panel or pipe mounting, an optional DIN rail mounting kit is available.

Model No. Range
Accuracy Loop Load Air
IP710-X15 3 to 15 ±0.1% span 9.5V @ 20mA 1.5 scfh @
20 to 100 4.5 scfm @ 25 psig
12 scfm @ 100 psig
IP710-X17 1 to 17 ±0.1% span 9.5V @ 20mA 1.5 scfh @
22 to 100 4.5 scfm @ 25 psig
12 scfm @ 100 psig
IP710-X27 3 to 27 ±0.1% span 9.5V @ 20mA 1.5 scfh @
32 to 100 4.5 scfm @ 25 psig
12 scfm @ 100 psig
IP710-X30 6 to 30 ±0.1% span 9.5V @ 20mA 1.5 scfh @
35 to 100 4.5 scfm @ 25 psig
12 scfm @ 100 psig
IP710-X60 2 to 60 ±0.1% span 9.5V @ 20mA 4.5 scfh @
65 to 130 20 scfm @ 130 psig
IP710-X100 2 to 100 ±0.1% span 9.5V @ 20mA 4.5 scfh @
105 to 130 20 scfm @ 130 psig

Agency Approvals: FM and CSA Intrinsically Safe
  IP710: Class I,II,III, Div. 1, Groups C, D, E, F & G
  IP710-D: Class I, Div. 1, Groups C & D
  (output pressure, does not affect rating)
Input Signal: 4 to 20 mA loop powered
Deadband: 0.02% of span
Supply Pressure Sensitivity: 0.1% of span per psi (±0.02% for zero based units)
RFI/EMI Effect: 0.5% of span change in output pressure per En 61000-4-3:1998,
Amendment 1, Performance Criterion A
Temperature Limits: -40 to 70°C (-40 to 160°F)
Media: Clean, dry, oil-free, instrument air, filtered to 40 micron
Pressure Ports: ¼ NPT female
Electrical Connections: ½ NPT female conduit or DIN 43560 connector
Mounting: Direct wall, panel, 1½" pipe, or optional DIN rail
  Housing: Chromate treated aluminum with epoxy paint, NEMA-4X (IP65) rated
  Elastomers: Buna-N
  Trim: Stainless Steel and zinc plated brass
Weight: 370 g (0.8 lb)
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注: All IP710s come with mounting bracket and operator’s manual.
订购示例: (1) IP710-X15-D Loop Powered I/P converter with 3 to 15 psi range and DIN 43560 electrical connection,, ¥6,575.41