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咨询热线 400-820-0559

LC8313, LC8400, LC8450

Large I.D. Through-Hole Load Cells, 2.00-3.13 Inch I.D. | LC8313, LC8400, LC8450

Large I.D. Through-Hole Load Cells, 2.00-3.13 Inch I.D.

¥7,393.97 LC8400-213-10K

  • 5 Point NIST Traceable Calibration with
    59 kOhm Shunt Cal Data
  • 3.13, 4.00 and 4.50" OD Sizes
  • Large I.D. Application
  • All Stainless Steel Construction
  • Rugged Industrial Design
称重传感器,力传感器和扭力传感器 - 查看相关产品


The LC8313, LC8400 and LC8450 Series Donut Load Cells are a space saving solution to applications requiring a large through-hole with limited space. With their rugged construction and design, these load cells are ideal for applications such as loading forces on large bolts or other suspended load applications. This series, with its all stainless steel construction and environmental protection, has proven its reliability in tough industrial applications.

Output: 2 mV/V nominal
Input: 10 Vdc (15V max)
Accuracy: ± 0.5%, linearity, hysteresis and repeatability combined
Zero Balance: ±2.0% FSO
Operating Temp Range: -54 to 121°C (-65 to 250°F)
Compensated Temp Range: 16 to 71°C (60 to 160°F)
Thermal Effects:
   Zero: ±0.009% FSO/°C
   Span: ±0.018% rdg/°C
Safe Overload: 150% of capacity
Ultimate Overload: 300% of capacity
Deflection: 0.076 mm (0.003") nominal
Input Resistance: 360 Ω minimum
Output Resistance: 350 ±5 Ω
Construction: 17-4 PH stainless steel
Electrical: 1.5 m (5') 4-conductor shielded cable
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
LC8313 SERIES, 3.13" OD
Quick Ship
货期: 12 周
Thru hole load cell, 3.13" OD, 2.00" ID, 0-500 lb capacity
Quick Ship
货期: 11 周
Thru hole load cell, 3.13" OD, 2.00" ID, 0-5,000 lb capacity
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Thru hole load cell, 3.13" OD, 2.13" ID, 0-5,000 lb capacity
LC8400 SERIES, 4" OD
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Thru hole load cell, 4.00" OD, 2.00" ID, 0-25,000 lb capacity
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
Thru hole load cell, 4.00" OD, 2.00" ID, 0-50,000 lb capacity
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
Thru hole load cell, 4.00" OD, 2.00" ID, 0-100,000 lb capacity
Quick Ship
货期: 19 周
Thru hole load cell, 4.00" OD, 2.13" ID, 0-10,000 lb capacity
Quick Ship
货期: 11 周
Thru hole load cell, 4.00" OD, 2.13" ID, 0-25,000 lb capacity
Quick Ship
货期: 2 周
Thru hole load cell, 4.00" OD, 2.13" ID, 0-200,000 lb capacity
LC8450 SERIES, 4.5" OD
Quick Ship
货期: 10 周
Thru hole load cell, 4.50" OD, 3.13" ID, 0-5,000 lb capacity
注: All LC8000 series load cells include a NIST traceable calibration certificate.
订购示例: (1) LC8450-313-5K is a 5,000 lb capacity load cell with 4.50" O.D. and 3.13" I.D., ¥7,182.77



(1) Outside Diameter 选项:
8313 for 3.13 inch OD
8400 for 4.00 inch OD
8450 for 4.50 inch OD

(2) Inside Diameter 选项:
200 for 2.00 inch ID
213 for 2.13 inch ID
300 for 3.00 inch ID
313 for 3.13 inch ID

(3) Load Range 选项:
1K for 0-1000 lb range
3K for 0-3000 lb range
5K for 0-5000 lb range
10K for 0-10000 lb range
25K for 0-25000 lb range
50K for 0-50000 lb range
100K for 0-100000 lb range
200K for 0-200000 lb range
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。