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Low Density Cartridge Heater with 304 Stainless Steel Sheath ½" (12.7 mm) Nominal Diameter

LDC4 Series

Low Density Cartridge Heater with 304 Stainless Steel Sheath 1/2


  • Cost Effective Cartridge Heaters of Uncompromised Quality
  • Low Watt Densities 3.1 to 7.0 W/cm2 (20 to 40 W/in2) (Depending on Heater Size and Operating Temperature)
  • Standard 304 Stainless Steel Sheath Material Provides High Temperature Strength, Good Thermal Conductivity and Resistance to Oxidation
  • U.L. Component Recognized*
  • CSA Certified*
  • Applications up to 565ºC (1050ºF) Working Temperature
  • Sheath Temperatures up to 650ºC (1200ºF)
  • Standard Lengths of 38.1 to 635 mm (1½ to 25")
  • 120V and 240V Models
  • Over 40 Standard Termination Styles are Available, Contact Omega for Availability and Pricing
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Low Density Multi-Purpose cartridge heaters represent Omega's commitment to value-added customer service. Low-density cartridge heaters are an excellent, cost effective choice that does not compromise quality. They are ideal for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that consume large quantities of cartridge heaters for their equipment.

Multi-purpose cartridge heaters are the solution for a multitude of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and maintenance (MRO) applications. Omega maintains over 65,000 semifinished cartridge heater substrates in stock, offering a combination of over 1000 sizes in industry standard diameters and lengths that match most customer requirements and applications.

Highly engineered specific purpose Omega cartridge heaters have been at the forefront of addressing the challenges of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in a broad segment of diversified industries. As a company Omega is uniquely qualified and committed to providing value added expertise in engineering and manufacturing capabilities to assist our customers in developing highly engineered specific use cartridge heaters for dependable and reliable performance.
Let Omega provide the optimal solution to your thermal loop systems and cartridge heater design challenges.

*Low density cartridge heaters are UL recognized and CSA certified in many design variations under UL File Number E65652 and CSA File Number 043099. If you require UL and/or CSA Agency Approval, please specify when ordering.

Low Density Cartridge Heaters ½" Dia., Actual 0.496" ±0.002 (12.60 mm)
Sheath Length Model No. Watts Watt Density
inch mm 120V 240V Watts/cm2 Watts/in2
38.1 LDC00093 60 5.9 38
2 50.8 LDC00094 75 4.9 32
63.5 LDC00095 40 2 13
63.5 LDC00096 125 6.2 40
3 76.2 LDC00097 LDC00098 150 5.9 38
88.9 LDC00099 LDC00100 150 4.9 32
3⅞ 98.4 LDC00101 LDC00102 90 2.6 17
4 101.6 LDC00103 LDC00104 180 5.1 33
114.3 LDC00105 200 4.9 32
5 127 LDC00106 LDC00107 200 4.4 28
139.7 LDC00108 LDC00109 300 5.9 38
6 152.4 LDC00110 LDC00111 150 2.7 17
6 152.4 LDC00112 LDC00113 250 4.5 29
6 152.4 LDC00114 LDC00115 300 5.4 35
165.1 LDC00116 LDC00117 300 4.9 32
7 177.8 LDC00118 LDC00119 275 4.2 27
7 177.8 LDC00120 LDC00121 350 5.3 34
190.5 LDC00122 LDC00123 350 4.9 32
8 203.2 LDC00124 LDC00125 400 5.3 34
8 203.2 LDC00126 LDC00127 425 5.6 36
215.9 LDC00128 LDC00129 400 4.9 32
9 228.6 LDC00130 LDC00131 450 5.2 34
10 254.0 LDC00132 LDC00133 500 5.2 34
10½ 266.7 LDC00134 LDC00135 500 4.9 32
11 279.4 LDC00136 LDC00137 550 5.2 33
12 304.8 LDC00138 LDC00139 500 4.3 28
12 304.8 LDC00140 LDC00141 600 5.1 33
14 355.6 LDC00142 LDC00143 600 4.4 28
15 381.0 LDC00144 LDC00145 650 4.4 29
15 381.0 LDC00146 LDC00147 750 5.1 33
16 406.4 LDC00148 LDC00149 500 3.2 21
16 406.4 LDC00150 LDC00151 675 4.3 28
18 457.2 LDC00152 LDC00153 725 4.1 26
18 457.2 LDC00154 800 4.5 29
20 508.0 LDC00155 LDC00156 750 3.8 24
21 533.4 LDC00157 LDC00158 750 3.6 23
24 609.6 LDC00159 LDC00160 500 2.1 14
24 609.6 LDC00161 1000 4.2 27
25 635.0 LDC00162 1100 4.4 29
Model Numbers listed are cartridge heaters terminated with Type N termination 254 mm (10") long leads.
For other terminations and options contact Omega for Model Numbers and pricing.
Caution: These products are not recommended for direct immersion liquid heating applications
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
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货期: 6 周
120 Volt, 75 Watts, sheath length 2 inch
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货期: 2 周
240 Volt, 150 Watts, sheath length 3 1/2 inch
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120 Volt, 300 Watts, sheath length 5 1/2 inch
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240 Volt, 300 Watts, sheath length 6 1/2 inch
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货期: 6 周
120 Volt, 350 Watts, sheath length 7 inch
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货期: 6 周
240 Volt, 500 Watts, sheath length 10 1/2 inch
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120 Volt, 600 Watts, sheath length 12 inch
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120 Volt, 750 Watts, sheath length 20 inch
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货期: 6 周
240 Volt, 1000 Watts, sheath length 24 inch
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货期: 2 周
120 Volt, 60 Watts, sheath length 1 1/2 inch
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120 Volt, 125 Watts, sheath length 2 1/2 inch
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货期: 6 周
120 Volt, 150 Watts, sheath length 3 inch
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120 Volt, 180 Watts, sheath length 4 inch
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货期: 6 周
120 Volt, 200 Watts, sheath length 5 inch
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货期: 6 周
120 Volt, 150 Watts, sheath length 6 inch
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货期: 2 周
120 Volt, 300 Watts, sheath length 6 inch
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货期: 6 周
120 Volt, 400 Watts, sheath length 8 inch
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
120 Volt, 400 Watts, sheath length 8 1/2 inch
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120 Volt, 75 Watts, sheath length 2 inch
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货期: 6 周
120 Volt, 75 Watts, sheath length 2 inch
Quick Ship
货期: 2 周
120 Volt, 75 Watts, sheath length 2 inch



注: * Low density cartridge heaters are UL recognized and CSA certified in many design variations under UL File Number E65652 and CSA File Number 043099. If you require UL and/or CSA Agency Approval, please specify when ordering. Dimensional Specifications Electrical Specifications **480V when applicable. Contact Omega. Note: Model numbers above are for low density cartridge heaters terminated with Type F flexible leads, 254 mm (10") long.
订购示例: (1) LDC00146 750 W, 120 Vac, cartridge heater., ¥1,063.64