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Model LVC-152-R

Economical Capacitance Level Switch | Model LVC-152-R

Economical Capacitance Level Switch

¥2,962.80 LVC-152-R

1年保修 CE
  • Reliable Detection of Conductive, Light to Medium Coating Liquids
  • Unique Coating Circuit Rejects the Negative Effects of Coating or Scaling Build-up
  • All Plastic Construction with PP Materials for Corrosive Environments
  • Probe and Cable Rated IP68 or NEMA 6 for Submersible Operation in Tanks or Sumps
  • 1 AMP SPST Relay Standard
  • Selectable Normally Open or Normally Closed Output States
  • Compatible with LVM-50 Series Single Switch Fitting Assemblies
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The LVC-152-R capacitance level switch is the perfect switch solution for conductive coating or scaling type liquids. The LVC-152-R is best applied in grounded vessels which contain water based, light to medium coating or scaling type liquids including soap, wastewater and brine solutions. The LVC-152-R capacitance switch detects the presence of liquid or air by measuring the conductive or dielectric values which are present in all materials. The guard circuit rejects the negative effects of coating build-up on the probe by eliminating the coating signal path between the active and reference electrodes. As the probe tip becomes immersed in liquid, the capacitance effect is greatly increased and the switch changes state.

Warning: Do not install sensor within 15.24 cm (6") of any metal object.

Accuracy: ±1 mm (0.04") in water
Repeatability: ±0.5 mm (0.02") in water
Dielectric Range: >20 constants
Conductive Range: >100 micromhos
Supply Voltage: 12 to 36 Vdc
Consumption: 25 mA max.
GP: 120 Vac/Vdc @ 1 A
CE: 60 Vac/Vdc @ 1 A
Switch Output: Selectable NO or NC
Temperature Rating: -40 to 90°C (-40 to 194°F)
Pressure Rating: 150 psi @ 25°C (76°F), derated @ 1.667 psi per °C above 25°C (76°F)
Probe Material: Polypropylene
Probe Rating: NEMA 6X (IP68)
Mounting Threads: ¾ NPT
Cable Type: 3 m (10'), 4-wire, 22 gage with ground, shield & PP jacket
Dimension: 12.7 cm L (5.0") x ¾ NPT
Immersion Length: 7 cm (2.6") from bottom of threads to tip of probe
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
Quick Ship
货期: 2 周
Capacitance Switch, 12.7cm (5") Long with 1 A SPST Relay
Quick Ship
货期: 10 周
Capacitance Switch, 12.7 cm (5") Long with 1 A SPST Relay, 7.62 m (25')
Quick Ship
货期: 10 周
Capacitance Switch, 12.7 cm (5") Long with 1 A SPST Relay, 15.24 m (50')
注: Comes complete with 3 m (10 ft) cable and operator’s manual.

Two extended cable lengths available:

For 7.62 m (25'), add suffix "-25" to model number, add $20 to price.

For 15.24 m (50'), add suffix "-50" to model number, add $40 to price.

Do not install sensor within 15.24 cm (6") of any metal object


订购示例: (1) LVC-152-R level switch, PP material with SPST 1 AMP Relay, ¥2,962.80