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Highly Configurable, High Accuracy, Custom Pressure Transducers


Highly Configurable, High Accuracy, Custom Pressure Transducers | MM-Configurable


  • High Accuracy, Up to ±0.05%
  • Customer Selectable Features
  • Over 1,000,000 Feature Combinations
  • Premium Temperature Performance
  • 5-Point NIST Traceable Calibration
  • Excellent Long Term Stability
  • Gauge, Absolute, Barometric, Vacuum, Compound and Differential Pressures
  • Advanced Data Logging/Digital Communication (USB/RS485) Functions Available
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Build/Order/Ship OMEGA’S MM Series Custom Pressure Transducers to meet your pressure sensing requirements

As a lead pressure transducer manufacturer, Omega has developed a new interactive configuration tool that provides a fast and simple way to build custom transducer suitable for application. MM Series custom transducers allow for over 1-million possible combinations of parameters such as pressure type, range, unit, material, output, accuracy, fitting, temperature compensation range, and electrical termination. At the end of the process, the Configurator will provide a part number, price and delivery time for the transducer.

OMEGA’s micro-machined piezoresistive pressure transducers have a proven record in high performance commercial, automotive, test and measurement and aerospace applications. The piezoresistive process uses strain gages molecularly embedded into a highly stable silicon wafer. The silicon wafer is diced into individual die which each contain a full strain gage bridge. The die is mounted in a sealed chamber protected from the environment by glass to metal seals and a pressure sensitive stainless steel diaphragm. A small volume of silicone oil transfers the pressure from the diaphragm to the strain bridge. The construction provides a very rugged transducer with exceptional accuracy, stability and thermal effects.

Some of the most Popular Applications of Pressure Transducers include: Measuring inlet, outlet, or system pressure in engine test setup Measuring pressure drops in a line for preventive maintenance Measuring fluid height or level in tanks Measuring a water pipe leak or gas leak and monitoring gas pressure Maintaining pressure in food and beverage lines Sanitary pressure measurement in the bio or pharmaceutical industry.

Pressure type

(A) Absolute
(G) Gage(SG) Sealed Gage
(CG) Compound Gage
(B) Barometric
(V) Vacuum
(DWU) Differential WW Uni-Directional
(DWB) Differential WW Bi-Directional
(DDU) Differential WD Uni-Directional
(DDB) Differential WD Bi-Directional

Pressure Range

(10W) 10 inH2O
(001) 1 psi
(2.5) 2.5 psi
(005) 5 psi
(015) 15 psi
(030) 30 psi
(050) 50 psi
(100) 100 psi
(150) 150 psi
(250) 250 psi
(500) 500 psi
(600) 600 psi
(750) 750 psi
(1.0K) 1000 psi
(1.5K) 1500 psi
(2.5K) 2500 psi
(3.5K) 3500 psi
(5.0K) 5000 psi
(16) 16-32 inHG ABS
(26) 26-32 inHG ABS
(32) 0-32 inHG ABS


(V) 3mv/V
(V5) 0-5 Vdc
(V1) 10mv/V
(V10) 0-10 Vdc
(C1) 4-20mA
(BIV) ±3mv/V
(BIV1) ±10mv/V
(BIV10) ±0-10 Vdc
(BIC1) 4-20mA (12mA set at zero)
(USBH) USBH (High Speed)
(R4V) RS485 (Voltage)
(R4I) RS485 (Current)

Pressure Unit

(B) Bar
(H) hPa (mbar)
(K) kPa (W) inH2O (4°C)
(M) inHg (0°C)
(T) TORR (mm-Hg)
(F) ft-H2O (4°C)


(1) 0.03%
(2) 0.05%
(3) 0.08%
(4) 0.20%
(5) 0.40%

Process Fitting

(A) 1/8-27 MNPT
(B) 1/8-27 FNPT
(C) 1/4-18 MNPT
(D) 1/4-18 FNPT
(J) 7/16-20 UNF-M
(K) 7/16-20 UNF-F
(L) 9/16UNF-M
(M) 9/16UNF-F
(MA) G 1/8B-M
(MB) G 1/8B-F
(MC) G 1/4B-M
(MD) G 1/4B-F
(ME) M12X1.5M
(MF) M12X1.5F

Electrical Connection

(1) Bendix
(2) Conduit
(3) 6 PIN GMS
(6) Mini-DIN
(8) GW Cable
(9) GW Conduit Cable

Temperature Compensation

(T1) 40-140°F (4 -60°C)
(T2) 0-200°F (-18-93°C)
(T3) 20-140°F (-7-60°C)
(T4) -40-220°F (-40-105°C)
(T5) 20-200°F (-6-93°C)
(T6) 25-185°F (-4 TO 85°C)
(T7) 15-220°F (-9.4 TO 104°C)
(T8) -40-185°F (-40-85°C)
(T9) 0-185°F (-18-85°C)

Thermal Accuracy

(A1) ±1.0% Z ±0.7% S
(A2) ±0.8% Z ±0.6% S
(A3) ±0.5% Z ±0.5% S
(A4) ±0.3% Z ±0.3% S
(A7) ±0.9% Z ±0.5% S
(A8) ±0.8% Z ±0.3% S
(A10) ±1.0% Z ±1.0% S


(P) Potentiometers
(S) Shunt Cal
(CE) CE Mark
(MB) Mounting Bracket - Barometric only

Example Model Number: MM      A   100   V5   P   1   J   1   T4    A4   S  
