Our nickel-chromium alloy resistance heating wire is now available coiled for ready use. Coiled heating wire is used in many high-temperature applications, including electric furnaces, radiant heating, and air heating.
NIC80 is an alloy of 80% nickel and 20% chromium and represents the highest standard in materials for use in elevated temperature environments. It is useable at temperatures up to 1150°C (2100°F).
NIC60 contains 60% nickel and 16% chromium, with the balance iron, and can be used up to 1000°C (1850°F). It is the benchmark material, most widely accepted and employed in electrical heating.
Both of these alloys also provide excellent corrosion resistance.
Coils using 18 to 30 AWG wire with 25 to 100 turns per inch are standard. Custom coil dimensions are also available.
Examples of pricing for popular models is referenced in the "To Order" box. Use the "Part Number Builder" below to get pricing for all available models.
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: Consult Sales Department for discount over 200 feet. 订购示例: (1) NIC80-010-125-200 30 gage 80% nickel/20% chromium alloy resistance cable, precoiled in 0.125, ¥2,299.48
Wire Type 选项: NIC80 for 80% nickel/20% chromium alloy resistance cable NIC60 for 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy resistance cable
Gage Type 选项: 040 for 18 gage 032 for 20 gage 025 for 22 gage 020 for 24 gage 015 for 26 gage 012 for 28 gage 010 for 30 gage
O.D. of Compacted Coil 选项: 250 for 0.250 inch 188 for 0.188 inch 125 for 0.125 inch 062 for 0.062 inch
Wire Length 选项: 25 for 25 feet 50 for 50 feet 100 for 100 feet 200 for 200 feet