This Thermistor Sensor Includes Two Thermistor Elements That When Used With a Resistor Set Will Provide Linearized Resistance Output Over a Specific Temperature Range
Epoxy Filled 300 Series Stainless Steel Cup End is Easy to Attach to Flat Surfaces
Good For Heat Loss, Compressor Efficiency And Surface Temperature Measurements
OL-709 Supplied with 120" (3 meters) of PVC Cable and Stripped Leads. Ol-709-PP Supplied with 120" (3 meters) of PVC Cable and Phone Plug Connector
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: The thermistor elements in these sensors have resistances of 6000 Ohms and 30,000 Ohms at 25°C. When combined with the Optional Resistor Sets shown above, they will provide a linearized output over a defined temperature range. For additional information, click this link.
订购示例: (1) OL-709 Linear Thermistor Surface Sensor with 120" of PVC Cable and Stripped Leads, ¥962.87