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Carbon Monoxide Data Loggers with USB Interface


Carbon Monoxide (CO) Data Loggers with USB Interface | OM-EL-USB-CO

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Data Loggers with USB Interface

¥1,699.68 OM-EL-USB-CO

  • 0 to 1000 ppm CO (OM-EL-USB-CO) or 0 to 300 ppm CO (OM-EL-USB-CO300) Measurement Ranges
  • Stores up to 32,510 Measurements
  • User-Programmable Warning Threshold with Bright Visual and Audible Warnings
  • USB Interface for Set-Up and Data Download
  • Expected Sensor Life: 4 years
  • Supplied with Replaceable Internal Lithium Battery and Windows® Control Software


The OM-EL-USB-CO and OM-EL-USB-CO300 are standalone USB data loggers that measure and store up to 32,510 carbon monoxide (CO) readings over a 0 to 1000 ppm (OM-EL-USB-CO) or 0 to 300 ppm (OM-EL-USB-CO300) measurement range and -10 to 40°C (14 to 104°F) operating temperature range. The user can easily set up the logging rate and start time, and download the stored data by plugging the data logger into a PC’s USB port and running the Windows control software. The data can then be graphed, printed and exported to other applications. The data logger is supplied complete with a long-life lithium battery. Data is stored in non-volatile memory and is retained when the battery is empty. A bright red LED will flash and a buzzer can sound when a preset warning level has been exceeded.

Do not attempt to use the OM-EL-USB-CO or OM-EL-USB-CO300 data loggers without reading and understanding the documentation. Carbon monoxide monitoring is a complex procedure. The user should consult a qualified expert if there is any doubt as to the safety of the application.

The OM-EL-USB-CO and OM-EL-USB-CO300 are professional measuring instruments designed to record carbon monoxide (CO) gas levels for later analysis. They are not alarm/safety/warning devices and should not be used in this capacity for the following reasons:
1. The lights and sound emitted by the OM-EL-USB-CO or OM-EL-USB-CO300 to indicate a high level of CO do not provide adequate warning to those in the surrounding area that a high level of CO has been recorded.
2. The battery life of the OM-EL-USB-CO or OM-EL-USB-CO300 during audible and visual indication of a high level of CO will rapidly diminish and will therefore only be active for a short period of time.
3. The OM-EL-USB-CO or OM-EL-USB-CO300 takes a sample reading at intervals as set by the user for recording/monitoring/analysis purposes. Dangerous levels of CO will not register with the device until a sample reading is taken.
4. Due to the limitations of the device as a professional instrument, it is left to the user to set the light and sound alarms indicating the presence of CO. Therefore the instrument can be set up to provide NO form of warning. Carbon monoxide is poisonous. It is a clear, colorless gas that has no smell or taste and can be lethal even in very low concentrations. It can injure or kill people and animals who are not adequately warned of its presence. In areas where the safety of humans and animals is a concern, a domestic or industrial CO detector/alarm designed to a nationally approved quality standard with features such as a high decibel alarm or siren and a clear visual warning specifically designed to provide adequate warning of dangerous CO levels should be installed, used and maintained.

Measurement Range
    OM-EL-USB-CO: 3 to 1000 ppm CO (do not expose to levels above 1000 ppm, i.e. directly measuring the exhaust of a car or wood burner)
    OM-EL-USB-CO300: 0 to 300 ppm CO
Internal Resolution: 0.5 ppm CO
    OM-EL-USB-CO (Overall Error): ±2 ppm min, ±6% typ
    OM-EL-USB-CO300: ±5 ppm or ±4% typ (whichever is greater)
Repeatability: ±3%
Long Term Drift: 5%/year
Zero Offset: ±2 ppm CO
Response Time (to Reach 90%): 1 minute
Logging Interval: 10 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min
Status Indicators (LEDs): Red and green LEDs. The first LED flashes red to indicate that the data logger is in an alarm condition (logged data has exceeded a high or low alarm level). The second LED flashes green to indicate that the data logger is logging normally and is not in an alarm condition.
Audible Alarm: The audible alarm will sound once per second when the warning threshold has been exceeded. To disable the warning, remove the cap from the data logger. The audible warning will sound once every 60 seconds when there is a low battery condition. This indicates that the battery must be replaced.
Software: Windows XP/Vista/7 and 8 (32- and 64-bit)
Operating Temperature (15 to 90% RH, Non-Condensing): -10 to 40°C (14 to 104°F)
Operating Pressure: 900 to 1100 mbar
Power: ½ “AA” 3.6V lithium battery life (included); user replaceable
Battery Life: 3 months (with battery supplied, 5 minute logging rate, 25°C ambient temperature, audible warning disabled, reading <10 ppm CO). On inserting a battery the red then green LED will flash in turn for approximately 2 min, while the logger stabilizes. Do not connect to the USB port of a computer until this has finished.
Dimensions: See dimensional drawing on PDF
Weight: 43 g (1.5 oz)
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货期: 2 周
Carbon monoxide (CO) data logger with USB interface, 3 to 1000 ppm range
Quick Ship
货期: 2 周
Carbon monoxide (CO) data logger with USB interface, 0 to 300 ppm range
注: Comes complete with Windows OM-EL-WIN-USB control software and operator’s manual on CD-ROM, protective cap and 3.6V lithium battery.

This product page contains items that either have a Lithium Battery installed in the equipment or have a Lithium Battery packed with the equipment. These items as being regulated for air transportation. The following applies:
• No FX1D, FX2D or FX3D can be used as a ship method.
• Only UPS1, UPS2 or UPS3 is authorized.
• For International shipments UPS and DHL can be used. For DHL internationally – Omega only has permission to ship Lithium Batteries no other Hazardous Material.
订购示例: (1) OM-EL-USB-CO Carbon monoxide (CO) data logger with USB interface, 3 to 1000 ppm range, ¥1,699.68