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Panel Mount and Portable Data Loggers

OM-EL Series

Panel Mount and Portable Data Loggers | OM-EL Series

Panel Mount and Portable Data Loggers


  • 8-Bit and 12-Bit Models
  • Thermocouple, 100 Ohm Pt RTD, pH, dc Voltage, dc Current, Pulse Inputs
  • Up to 3 Year Battery Life
  • Record up to 8000 Readings
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OMEGA's OM-EL Series is a family of portable data loggers with up to 12 bit accuracy and resolution.

OM-EL Series data loggers feature a high contrast LCD display, up to 3 years battery life, adjustable sampling rate (variable between 5 seconds and 12 hours), data storage up to 8000 readings, alarm modes, delayed, automatic or push to start. The 8 bit (256 steps) model has an integral sensor, making temperature measurements particularly easy.

Ideally suited for incorporation into new and existing measurement systems, readings can be stored and processed in the panel meter, allowing full control of the monitored process. The OM-ELWIN Windows compatible (Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP) software ensures an effortless set-up of one or more of the OM-EL Series data loggers modules and controls the transfer of logged data to the PC for further analysis. Although perfectly suited to self powered applications, up to eight OM-EL Series data loggers modules can be linked together in a network to form a complete control and measurement system.

Designed to perform simple or sophisticated data logging with the minimum of cost and complexity, the logger has a built-in LCD display and an internal battery which can last up 3 years, depending on sample rate and parameters being measured. Sample intervals are user-variable between 5 seconds and 12 hours with a maximum capacity of over 8000 readings.

Easy to install on a Windows 2000/XP platform, the OM-EL-WIN Easy Log control software is needed to enable the user to configure and operate any OM-EL data logger and is supplied on a 31/2 disk with a manual and serial link cable. Allowing up to eight loggers to be operated as a network, the OM-EL-WIN software includes automatic prompting for ease of use, a mimic mode which allows remote indication on the PC, extensive graphing facilities and the facility to export data directly into popular spreadsheets such as Excel.

Common Specifications
Number of Readings: 8000
Logging Interval: Selectable 5 sec to 12 hrs
Serial Link: 8 pin mini-DIN connection
Sensor Connection:
OM-EL-2 - phone jack,
OM-EL-2-12 BIT - 4-pin connector (mating connector supplied)
Range selection: 8 bit model - by software selection,
12 bit model - selected by internal jumper
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
Quick Ship
8 bit portable data logger
Quick Ship
12 bit portable data logger
Quick Ship
Spare RS-232 cable (DB9F termination) for OM-EL series data loggers
Quick Ship
EasyLog for Windows software for OM-EL Series data loggers (except Model OM-EL-LITE)
注: All data loggers come with complete operator's manual and sensor mating connector.
RS-232 cable is supplied with Easylog Software.


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