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咨询热线 400-820-0559

16-位200 kHz PCI数据采集板

OMB-DAQBOARD-500 and OMB-DAQBOARD-505 Discontinued

 | OMB-DAQBOARD-500 and OMB-DAQBOARD-505 Discontinued


1年保修 CE
  • Low-Cost 16-Bit PCI Data Acquisition Boards
  • 16-Bit, 200 kHz A/D Converter
  • 8 Differential or 16 Single-Ended Analog Inputs (Software Selectable per Channel)
  • Up to 4 Boards can be Installed into One PC
  • 100% Digital Calibration
  • DMA Bus Mastering
  • Trigger Modes Include Digital and Software, with <5 µs Latency
  • Virtually Infinite Pre-Trigger Buffer
  • Two 16-Bit, 100 kHz Analog Outputs with Continuous Waveform Output Capability (OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Only)
  • 24 Digital I/O Lines
  • 1 Counter/Pulse Input Channel
  • 2 Timer/Pulse Output Channels
  • Includes DaqView Software Application for Effortless Data Logging and Analysis
  • Support for Visual Studio and Visual Studio.NET, Including Examples for Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic.NET
  • Comprehensive Drivers for DASYLab and LabVIEW
  • Support for Windows 2000 and XP


The OMB-DAQBOARD-500 has been discontinued. Please see the OMB-DAQBOARD-2000 as a possible substitute or contact our Data Acquisition department.

The OMB-DAQBOARD-500 and OMB-DAQBOARD-505 are low-cost, 16-bit/200 kHz data acquisition boards. Each board offers 16 channels of 16-bit analog input, 24 digital I/O lines, and one counter input. The OMB-DAQBOARD-500 also provides two 16-bit waveform-capable analog outputs. Software supported by the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series includes Visual Studio and Visual Studio.NET, with examples for Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic.NET, plus comprehensive drivers for DASYLab and LabVIEW. DaqView software is also included for quick and easy setup and data collection without programming.

Signal I/O
One 68-pin connector on the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series provides access to all the input and output signals. Unlike other multifunction boards that require multiple PC slots to access the I/O, the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series accommodates all I/O by using one cable and a single PCI slot. The latching 68-pin I/O connector contains all analog input channels, plus digital I/O lines, counter input, timer outputs, and analog outputs.

Analog Input
The OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series has a 16-bit, 200 kHz A/D converter coupled with 16 single-ended or 8 differential analog inputs. Eight software-programmable ranges provide inputs from ±10 V to ±1.25 V full scale. Each channel can be software configured for a different range, as well as for single-ended or differential and bipolar or unipolar input.

Bus Mastering DMA
The OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series supports bus mastering DMA, which allows analog input data, as well as analog and digital output data, to flow between the PC and the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series without consuming valuable CPU time. The driver supplied with the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series, as well as all other third-party software support such as LabVIEW, automatically use bus mastering DMA to efficiently conduct I/O from the PC to the data acquisition board.

Analog Output
The two OMB-DAQBOARD-500 16-bit, 100 kHz analog output channels are built into the board, with software-selectable output ranges of ±10 V and 0 to 10 V. Through the use of bus mastering DMA, each D/A output can continuously output a waveform. In addition, a program can asynchronously output a value to either of the D/As for non-waveform applications, assuming that the D/A is not already being used in the waveform output mode. When used to generate waveforms, the D/As can be clocked in several different modes, as described on the next page.

Asynchronous Internal Clock
The on-board programmable clock can generate updates ranging from 0.0009 Hz to 100 kHz, independent of any acquisition rate.

Asynchronous External Clock
A user-supplied external input clock can be used to pace the D/A, entirely independent of analog inputs.

Digital Inputs and Outputs
Twenty-four TTL-level digital I/O lines are included in the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series. They are divided into three 8-bit ports. Ports can be programmed as either input or output.

Counter Inputs
One 16-bit counter is built into the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series, capable of counting up to 65,536 TTL-level transitions. The counter will accept frequency inputs up to 900 kHz.

Timer Outputs Two 16-bit timer outputs are included in the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series, each capable of generating square waves with a programmable frequency range of 7.7 Hz to 500 kHz.

Multiple DaqBoards per PC
All of the features described for the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series can be replicated with up to 4 DaqBoards installed in the same PC. When multiple boards are installed, all boards can be operated synchronously. The OM-TB-100 screw-terminal board (shown on previous page) makes it easy for the user to attach signals to the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series boards.

Power Consumption (per board):
2 W
Operating Temperature: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
Vibration: MIL STD 810E Category 1 and 10
Signal I/O Connector: 68-pin SCSI type III female connector carries all analog and digital I/O signals
Dimensions: 165 W x 15 D x 108 mm H (6.5 x 0.6 x 4.2")

16 single-ended or 8 differential, programmable on a per-channel basis as single-ended or differential and bipolar or unipolar
Bandwidth: 500 kHz
Overvoltage Protection: ±25 V
Ranges: Software or sequencer selectable on a per-channel basis
Input Impedance: 10 M Ω

Successive approximation
Resolution: 16 bit
Conversion Time: 5 µs
Maximum Sample Rate: 200 kHz
Nonlinearity (Integral): ±1 LSB
Nonlinearity (Differential): ±3 LSB, no missing codes
Input Sequencer:
Analog inputs can be scanned based on either an internal programmable timer or an external clock source
Scan Clock Sources: 2
1. Internal
2. External, TTL-level input up to 200 kHz max

Programmable Parameters per Scan: Channel (random order), gain
Depth: 176 location
On-Board Channel-to-Channel
Scan Rate:
5 µs per channel

External Acquisition Scan Clock Input
Maximum Rate: 200 kHz
Clock Signal Range: 0 to 5 V
Minimum Pulse Width: 50 ns high, 50 ns low

Analog Outputs (OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Only)
The 2 analog output channels are updated asynchronously relative to scanned inputs and clocked from an internal on-board clock or an external clock source. Analog outputs can be updated asynchronously, independent of any other scanning in the system. Bus mastering DMA provides CPU and system-independent data transfers, ensuring accurate outputs independent of other system activities. Ouput from memory is supported, allowing continuous waveform outputs.
Channels: 2
Resolution: 16 bits
Conversion Time: 10 µs
Output Voltage Ranges: ±10 V or 0 to 10 V (software selectable)
Offset Error: ±0.0045 V max
Gain Error: ±0.01% of full range
Digital Feedthrough: 50 mV when updated

Clock Sources: 2, programmable
1. Onboard D/A clock, independent of scanning input clock
2. External D/A input clock, independent of external scanning input clock

Digital I/O
Ports: 3 x 8 bit; each 8-bit port is software programmable as input or output
Input Characteristics: 100 series, 20 pF to common, 4.7K pull-ups
I/O Levels: TTL
Output Characteristics: Output 24 mA per pin (sinking and sourcing)
Counter: One 16-bit counter is built into the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series, capable of counting up to 65,536 TTL-level transitions
Channels: 1 x 16 bit
Frequency Measurement Rate:900 kHz max
Trigger Level: TTL
Frequency/Pulse Generators
2 x 16-bit
Output: 500 kHz base rate divided by 1 to 65,535 (programmable)
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
Quick Ship
16-bit, 200 kHz data acquisition board for PCI-bus PCs with 16 analog inputs; two 16-bit, 100 kHz analog outputs; 24 digital I/O, one 16-bit counter-timer; and two 16-bit frequency/pulse generators. Includes DaqView software, support for Visual Studio and Visual Studio.NET, plus comprehensive drivers for DASYlab and LabVIEW.
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Same as OM-DAQBOARD-500 but with no analog outputs
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DaqView add-on for seamless execution with Microsoft Excel’s tool palette
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DaqView add-on includes all features of OMB-DAQVIEW-XLPLUS, plus frequency-domain analysis
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16-connector BNC connection module with internal screw-terminal connections for use with OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series
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68-conductor ribbon expansion cable, mates with the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series boards and the OMB-TB-100 terminal board, 0.9 m (3')
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68-conductor shielded expansion cable, mates with the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series boards and the OMB-TB-100 terminal board, 0.9 m (3')
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68-conductor shielded expansion cable, mates with the OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series boards and the OMB-TB-100 terminal board, 1.8 m (6')
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货期: 18 周
Rack-mount kit for OMB-TB-100 terminal board
注: Each OMB-DAQBOARD-500 Series board comes with DaqView software, software drivers and complete operator’s manual on CD ROM.