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可编程直流速度控制装置,带PID - 闭环反馈和数字LED显示屏,用于马力达2 HP内的直流电机

OMDC-MD Plus Speed Control with PID

Programmable DC Speed Control with PID - Closed Loop  | OMDC-MD Plus Speed Control with PID

Programmable DC Speed Control with PID - Closed Loop

¥10,379.04 OMDC-MD40P-420

  • 150 to 2.0 HP Range
  • Universal Power Supply Supports 85 to 265 Vac Input
  • Available with NEMA 4X (IP66) Enclosure or 1/8 or 1/4 DIN Cutout with NEMA 4X (IP66) Faceplate
  • Isolated 4-20mA Input & Output
  • Target and Actual Speeds Can Be Any Engineering Unit of Measure
  • Two Alarm Relay Outputs (Form C, 5 A @ 250 Vac)
  • Large 12.7 mm (1.2") LED Display
  • Master/Follower Modes
  • Displays Set Point or Actual Running Speed
  • Adjustable PID Settings
  • Speed Feedback Required (Encoder)
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The OMDC-MD Plus DC motor controller is a field-programmable closed loop DC drive system employing an advanced velocity-form PID algorithm for accurate and responsive control. The OMDC-MD Plus control system also features a unique, isolated 4 to 20 mA input and output for easy integration with existing process control systems. The OMDC-MD Plus Series DC motor control is ideally suited for metering pump applications by efficiently combining all of the application requirements into a single compact package. The OMDC-MD Plus Series DC motor control system not only accepts a 4 to 20 mA signal to control the pump speed, but it also provides a 4 to 20 mA output signal back to the process control that is proportional to the actual running speed. Both the input and output signals are isolated from each other and from the control itself. The OMDC-MD Plus control also has two field-programmable form C relay contacts that can be set to indicate a wide variety of conditions such as the pump is running, a “fault” condition exists, and many other events.

-10 to 45°C (14 to 113°F)
AC Input Voltage: 85 to 265 Vdc
Input Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Overload Capacity: 200% for 1 min
Transducer Signal Input: 0-5 to 0-24 Vdc On-Board Transducer Power Supply: 5 Vdc, 50 mA
4 to 20 mA Input/Output Accuracy: ±1%
Faceplate Dimensions:
    OMDC-MD40P-420: 115 W x 58 H x 117 mm D (4.539 x 2.289 x 4.625")
    OMDC-MD50P-420: 115 W x 106 H x 117 mm D (4.539 x 4.179 x 4.625")
Enclosure Dimensions:
    OMDC-MD50E-420: 140 W x 188 H x 70 mm D (5.530 x 7.4 x 2.75")

NOTE:   Speed feedback is required (encoder). Recommended:   OMDC-PU-40E (see below).
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
120 VAC Input: 0-90 VDC Output       240 VAC Input: 0-180 VDC Output
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货期: 6 周
1/8 DIN panel mount, 5A, 0.5 HP at 90 VDC, 1 HP at 180 VDC
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货期: 6 周
1/4 DIN panel mount, 10A, 1 HP at 90 VDC, 2 HP at 180 VDC
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货期: 6 周
Stand-alone enclosure, 10A, 1 HP at 90 VDC, 2 HP at 180 VDC
Optional Sensor
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货期: 2 周
Shaft mounted pick-up sensor, 20 pulses per revolution
注: Comes complete with operator’s manual.

(1) OMDC-MD50P-420 Digital closed loop speed control for max 2 HP motor with max 10 Arm Amp, ¥13,083.45  plus (1) OMDC-PU-40E Shaft mounted pick-up sensor with 20 pulses per revolution, ¥2,223.21  plus (1) OMDC-PU-40E Shaft mounted pick-up sensor with 20 pulses per revolution, ¥2,223.21, ¥13,083.45 + 2,223.21 + 2,223.21 = ¥17,529.87