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OMDC-MPU-A Speed Sensor

Hall Effect Geartooth Pick-Up Speed Sensor, prox switch | OMDC-MPU-A Speed Sensor

Hall Effect Geartooth Pick-Up Speed Sensor, prox switch

¥1,949.12 OMDC-MPU-A

  • Senses Motion of Ferrous Gear Type Targets
  • Zero Speed Sensing Capabilities
  • Digital Output Signal (Square Wave)
  • Large Operational Air Gap
  • No Additional Conditioning Electronics Needed
  • Immune to Hostile Environments
  • Operates from 4.5 to 24 Vdc
  • Not Subject to Rotational Orientation
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The OMDC-MPU-A geartooth pick-up provides speed sensing capabilities using an integrated hall-effect sensor in conjunction with a permanent magnet which supplies a bias field. This ready-to-use pick-up directly senses rotating ferrous gear and other similar gear-type targets. The OMDC-MPU-A Series is capable of sensing various target tooth sizes over wide ranges of airgap. The operational airgap achieved is independent of gear rotation speed. The small module size makes it ideal in applications where space considerations are of concern. The rugged design allows the operation of these sensor assemblies in hostile environments where dirt and oil are major problems.

Operating Temperature: -40 to 125°C (-40 to 257°F)
Input Volgate: 4.5 to 24 Vdc
Output: NPN open collector output– sinking up to 20 mA
Connection: 3-wire 22 AWG with stripped leads 1 m (40") long
Mounting: Can be mounted in any orientation
Material: Cylindrical aluminum housing
Dimensions: 25.4 mm L (1") x 11.9 mm diameter (15/32")

For installation and wiring instructions... see "Specs" above for details.
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货期: 4 周
Hall-effect pick-up speed sensor with square wave output
订购示例: (1) OMDC-MPU-A Speed Sensor for gear type targets made from ferrous targets., ¥1,949.12