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RS-232/422/485双端口接口卡,带扩展"AT"中断接口,用于IBM PC/XT/AT和兼容装置


Dual Port RS-232/422/485 Interface with Extended


1年保修 CE
  • Two Independent RS-232/422/485 Interfaces
  • Reliable Communication up to 5000 Feet (1.5 km)
  • IBM Compatible Serial Port with Speeds to 115,200 Baud
  • Selectable Address Including COM1 through COM4) or Any Other Address up to 3FF hex
  • Individually Selectable Interrupts 2-5, 10-12, and 15 on the “AT”
  • 2 or 4 Wire RS-422 Operation
  • dB-9 Male Shielded Connectors
  • 16550 Buffered UARTs Included
  • Driver Software Included
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The OMG-COMM2-EX is a PC bus plug-in card based on the 16550 FIFO buffered UART, which is compatible with the standard 8250. This dual channel asynchronous serial communication card utilizes balanced differential drivers and receivers to provide RS422 and RS485 communication. Selectable and sharable extended “AT” interrupts for each port increase the OMG-COMM2-EX versatility. Distances of 5000 ft. in noisy industrial environments are easily accommodated. The OMG-COMM2-EX is also capable of RS232 for applications requiring shorter distances and RS232 compatibility. Signals are transmitted and received via two 9-pin sub-D connectors. Bit character lengths of 5, 6, 7 or 8, and odd, even or no parity are all available.

WIN XP/Vista/7 drivers are included as well as support for Linux. The drivers provide IRQ sharing, advanced UART support and serial diagnostic utilities.

Communications Chip: 16550 UART
Number of Ports: dual RS232/422/485
Max. Data Rate: 115K bps (RS422/485)
Max. Data Distance: Up to 5000 ft
RS485 Operation: Two or four wire
Operating Ambient: 0 to 50°C; 0 to 90% RH
Storage Temperature: -20 to 70°C
Current: +5 V @ 195 mA, ±12 V @ 25 mA ea.
Connector(s): DB-9
Slot: 16-bit card, 3/4 size slot
I/O Connector: Two independent 9-pin sub-D male
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2-port RS232/422/485 interface with extended “AT” interrupts
注: Comes complete with operator’s manual and software driver.