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ON-920TA Series

Detachable Threaded Thermistor Probe Assembly | ON-920TA Series

Detachable Threaded Thermistor Probe Assembly

¥1,200.75 ON-920TA-44004

  • Closed Ended 300 Series Stainless Steel Probe, 5/32" Diameter by 1" Long With 1/8NPT Mounting Thread and Connector
  • Can Be Installed Directly Into Pressure Vessels
  • Datachable Cable Allows for Removal When Not Required
  • Available with Resistances of 2252 Ohms, 3000 Ohms, 5000 Ohms, 10,000 Ohms and 30,000 Ohms at 25°C
  • Standard Accuracy is ±0.2°C Between 0 to 70°C, Optional Accuracy of ±0.1°C Between 0 to 70°C is Available
  • Maximum Temperature: 100°C
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This sensor is desighed to be used in immersion applications where it will be mounted into a process or pressure vessel using a 1/8NPT threaded port. The integral connector and supplied mating connector with cable allow for continuous monitoring of the sensor, or allows for removal of the connector and cable for only periodic monitoring.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

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货期: 2 周
2252 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, 12" (305mm) long PVC insulated extension cable with connector
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货期: 6 周
3000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, 12" (305mm) long PVC insulated extension cable with connector
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货期: 6 周
5000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, 12" (305mm) long PVC insulated extension cable with connector
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货期: 6 周
10,000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, 12" (305mm) long PVC insulated extension cable with connector
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货期: 6 周
30,000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, 12" (305mm) long PVC insulated extension cable with connector
注: For additional cable length, add required length (in inches) to the end of the Model Number and add $0.80/FT to the price.

订购示例: (1) ON-920TA-44004 Thermistor immersion probe with 1/8NPT mounting thread, integral connector, 2252 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C accuracy between 0 to 70°C, with mating connector and 12" (305mm) of PVC insulated cable, ¥1,200.75