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ON-960 Series

Flange-Mount Thermistor Sensor | ON-960 Series

Flange-Mount Thermistor Sensor

¥703.16 ON-960-44005

  • Mounting Flange is Pre-Drilled with #6 Screw Clearance Holes to Provide For Easy Mounting In Ducts and Flow Systems
  • Small Thermal Mass Provides Rapid Response to Temperature Changes
  • Available with Resistances of 2252 Ohms, 3000 Ohms, 5000 Ohms, 10,000 Ohms and 30,000 Ohms at 25°C
  • Standard Accuracy is ±0.2°C from 0 to 70°C, Optional Accuracy of ±0.1°C from 0 to 70°C is Available
  • Maximum Temperature: 100°C
  • Available with 12" (305mm) Long PFA Insulated Wires or 40" (1 meter) Long PFA Insulated Cables
热敏电阻元件, 探头和装配 - 查看相关产品


This air-flow sensor is designed to satisfy the many requirements of air temperature measurement and control in air conditioning systems. The flange provided lends itself to easy mounting in Duct systems and Flow Hood equipment.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
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货期: 5 周
2252 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C Accuracy Between 0 to 70°C, With 12" (305mm) Long PFA Insulated Wires
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货期: 5 周
3000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C Accuracy Between 0 to 70°C, With 12" (305mm) Long PFA Insulated Wires
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货期: 2 周
5000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C Accuracy Between 0 to 70°C, With 12" (305mm) Long PFA Insulated Wires
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货期: 2 周
10,000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C Accuracy Between 0 to 70°C, With 12" (305mm) Long PFA Insulated Wires
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货期: 2 周
30,000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C Accuracy Between 0 to 70°C, With 12" (305mm) Long PFA Insulated Wires
注: For added cable length, add the required length (in inches) to the end of the Model Number and add $0.80/ft to the price. For a phone plug connector, add "-PP" to the Model Number and add $7 to the price.

订购示例: (1) ON-960-44005 Flange Mount Thermistor Sensor with 3000 Ohms at 25°C, ±0.2°C Interchangeability between 0 to 70°C and 12, ¥703.16