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Infrared Thermometer and Energy Meter. Measure Temperature and Heat Flow

OS-650, OS-651, OS-652

Infrared Thermometer and Energy Meter | OS-650, OS-651, OS-652

Infrared Thermometer and Energy Meter

¥21,658.09 OS-650

  • Non-Contact Digital Infrared Thermometer and Energy Meter
  • Measures Temperature and Heat Flow
  • -29 to 1093°C (-20°F to 2000°F)
  • Peak Hold
  • Locate Insulation Defects
  • Easy to Use!
  • Manual Examples For:
  • R-Values
  • U-Values
  • Determination of Heating/Cooling Costs
  • Energy Loss/Gain Through Walls/Window
红外温度测量仪器 - 查看相关产品


The OS-650 kit is designed to perform energy audits, insulation inspection, and general plant maintenance. The temperature meter uses a non-contact sensor to measure temperatures, while the heat flow meter is an infrared radiometer designed to detect insulation defects, estimate R- values, and measure heat loss through building walls, windows. LCD readouts show temperature and heat flow data which are readily translated into information to determine energy costs.

Caution: This product and all in the series are not for use in medical evaluations. These products cannot be used to measure body temperature. They are meant for industrial and scientific purposes.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)
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货期: 11 周
Energy conservation and plant maintenance kit
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货期: 11 周
Temperature meter only
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货期: 11 周
20 Heat flow meter only
注: Kit comes with both temperature and heat flow meters, rugged carrying case, 9 V battery, and complete operator's manual which includes heating and cooling cost estimation.
订购示例: (1) OS-650 Energy conservation and plant maintenance kit, ¥21,658.09