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Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer with Relative Humidity


Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer W/ Relative Humidity,Type K | OS418-LS

¥1,868.72 OS418-LS

1年保修 CE
  • Infrared Range -60 to 500°C (-76 to 932°F)
  • Select Operating Modes and Adjust Parameters Easily
  • Built-in Type K Thermocouple Connection
  • Type K Included for Contact Measurement and to Confirm Emissivity
  • Built-in Relative Humidity Measurement for Environmental Monitoring
  • High or Low Icon Has a Beep Sound with Laser Flashes and Vibration
  • Applications
  • Building Maintenance
  • Laboratory
  • Automation
  • Industrial
  • Pharmaceutical
红外温度测量仪器 - 查看相关产品


OMEGA’s OS418-LS is the ultimate tool for temperature measurement. Accurately verify surface temperatures with two of the most reliable temperature sensors:
• Non-contact micro-machined thermopile
• Type K thermocouple socket (free T/C included)
Such an arrangement can fulfill most temperature measurement requirements. The non-contact infrared measurement is ideal for non-reachable situations, due to safety or sanitary reasons—instant readings, safely and reliably. Or use the thermocouple for high precision measurement of contact surfaces, gases, and liquids. The OS418-LS can also help measure emissivity, which is often difficult for a user to determine. Use the Type K thermocouple contact to measure the true temperature. Then, use the non-contact infrared to get the surface temperature. Adjust the emissivity until they are the same, with the option to use the same emissivity setting for that object next time. No more guess work, no more looking up on Emissivity Table. This unit also comes with an ultra-long battery life (batteries are included).
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货期: 库存
Non-contact infrared thermometer with relative humidity, 12:1, Type K
注: Comes complete with CD, 1 Type K thermocouple, 2 “AAA” batteries and operator’s manual.