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PT100 RTD探头,带M8模塑连接器

PR 23 Series

Pt100 RTD Probes with M8 Molded Connectors | PR 23 Series

Pt100 RTD Probes with M8 Molded Connectors

¥547.04 PR-23-1-100-A-1/8-0600-M8

  • Available in the Following Resistance Specifications:
  • Pt100 Class A
  • Pt100 Class B
  • Pt1000 Class B
  • Probe Temperature Ranges:
  • -30 to 350°C (-22 to 622°F) for Class A Sensors
  • -50 to 500°C (-58 to 932°F) for Class B Sensors
  • Connector Temperature Range: -50 to 90°C (-58 to 194°F)
  • 1/8" or 3 mm Diameter 316 Stainless Steel Probe
  • Standard Lengths Include 6", 9" and 12" (1/8" Diameter) and 100, 150 and 250mm (3mm Diameter)
  • IP67 Molded 3-Pin M8 Connector
电阻温度探测器(PT100)探头, 元件和装配 - 查看相关产品


Omega's PR-23 RTD sensor provides the convenience of a RTD sensor with an integral connector, along with a small size for use in tight spaces. When used with an optional M8C extension cable, the PR-23 sensor proves a complete sensor solution for a wide variety of temperature sensing applications.

Designed around the IEC60751 standard, the PR-23 series sensor is available with a 3-wire PT100 (100 ohms at 0°C) or 2-wire Pt1000 (1000 ohms at 0°C) resistance specification (see wiring diagrams for connector pin-out), and with Class A (Pt100 only) or Class B accuracies. This makes the PR-23 sensor compatible with most of the measurement and control equipment in use today.

The PR-23 line of RTD sensors are available in a variety of metric and fractional sizes, including 1/8" diameter probes in 6", 9" and 12" long standard lengths and 3mm diameter probes in 100, 150, 250 and 350mm long standard lengths.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

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注: For Pt100 Class B, change "-A-" to "-B-" in model number and subtract $4 from the price.
订购示例: (1) PR-23-1-100-A-1/8-0600-M8 PT100, Class A RTD Sensor with 1/8, ¥547.04



(1) Element Specification 选项:
-100-A for Pt100 Class A
-100-B for Pt100 Class B
-1000-B for Pt1000 Class B

(2) Probe Diameter 选项:
-1/8 for 1/8 inch diameter probe
-M3 for 3 mm diameter probe

(3) probe length 选项:
-0600-M8 for 6 inch probe (1/8" diameter)
-0900-M8 for 9 inch probe (1/8" diameter)
-1200-M8 for 12 inch probe (1/8" diameter)
-100-M8 for 100 mm probe (3mm diameter - 100 Ohm Class A Only)
-150-M8 for 150 mm probe (3mm diameter)
-250-M8 for 250 mm probe (3mm diameter)
-350-M8 for 350 mm probe (3mm diameter)
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。