SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Rating: 15 A: 125/250/480 Vac 0.5 A: 125 Vdc 0.25 A: 250 Vdc Switch Output: Two SPDT switches can be wired for Normally Open or Normally Closed operation Setpoint Repeatability: ±1% range Ambient/Storage Temperature: -29 to 66°C (-20 to 150°F) Setpoint: Typically shifts ±1% of range per 28°C (50°F) Electrical Connections: 3/4 NPSM, 316 SS fitting Pressure Connections: 1/4 NPT Female, 304 SS Wetted Parts: InH2O and 1000/3000 psi ranges: PTFE and stainless steel 15 psi to 600 psi ranges: stainless steel. Enclosure: Gasketed 316 SS, NEMA-4X rated
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: To order with optional Oxygen Cleaning, add suffix "-X6B" to model number (available on SS diaphragm models only). 订购示例: (1) PSW-371 is a 22-150 in H2O adjsutable pressure switch with PTFE diaphragm, ¥7,847.86