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7/16-20 UNF或1/4 NPT连接


High Accuracy Millivolt Output Pressure Transducer, 7/16-20 or 1/4 NPT Connections | PX02-MV

¥7,050.21 PX02K1-100GV

  • 5 Point NIST Traceable CalibrationCertificate
  • High Operating Temperature 163°C (325°F)
  • All Stainless Steel Construction
  • Shunt Calibration for Fast System Set Up
  • Hermetically Sealed for Harsh Environments
  • See Related Links Below for Cables and Accessories
压力传感器 - 查看相关产品


OMEGA’s PX02 Series is a high accuracy, 30 millivolt output, industrial pressure transducer. The all stainless steel construction and hermetically sealed case makes it suitable for harsh industrial environments. The PX02 has a high operating range, a broad compensated range and excellent temperature compensation which gives stable readings in harsh applications. They are available in gage, sealed or absolute models as well as psi or metric ranges with connector or cable terminations.

The PX01 is now available with a high speed (up to 1000 rdgs/sec)in-line USB amplifier. Add Suffix -IN-USBH. See Part Number builder below for pricing.

The PX02 is also available in metric configurations, with G1/4 or G1/8 ports, and models from 0-700 mbar to 0-400 bar pressure ranges. Please see the PXM02 for complete details, or contact our Pressure department for more information..

Excitation: 10 Vdc (15 Vdc max)
Output: 3 mV/V ±0.25%
Input Resistance: 350 ±10 Ω
Output Resistance: 350 ±10 Ω
Linearity: ±0.15% FS
Hysteresis: ±0.1% FS
Repeatability: ±0.1% FS
Zero Balance: 1.0% FS
Shunt Calibration: Value specified on calibration sheet
Sensing Element: 4-active-arm bridge, using thick-film strain gages in a hermetically sealed chamber
Operating Temp Range: -73 to 163°C (-100 to 325°F)
Compensated Temp Range: 16 to 71°C (60 to 160°F)
Thermal Effects:
Span: 0.003% rdg/°F
Zero: 0.003% FS/oF
Proof Pressure: 150% of rated pressure
Burst Pressure: 300% of rated pressure
Wetted Parts: 17-4 PH SS
Pressure Port: Ranges <10,000 psi; style "K" 7.16-20 UNF female; style "C" 1.4 NPT male; ranges . 10,000 psi; style "S" 9.16-18, 1.4" HP tube
Also Available: 1.4-18 NPT female or 7.16-20 UNF male
Electrical Connection:
Style "1": PTIH-10-6P or equal
Style "0": 3 m (10') cable
Mating Connector: PT06F-10-6S (not included)
Weight: 255 g (9 oz)

Compatible meters: DP41-S, DP25-S

For special options consult Sales or Pressure Engineering.

Examples of pricing for popular models is referenced in the "To Order" box.
Use the "Part Number Builder" below to get pricing for all available models.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

其他客户同时购买: 这个图标可以点击扩大,跳出的清单包括了其他客户在购买此产品时同时购买的其它产品。

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货期: 18 周
0-20 PSIA transducer with mV/V output, 7/16-20 female fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-25 PSIA transducer with mV/V output, 7/16-20 female fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-50 PSIA transducer with mV/V output, 7/16-20 female fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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0-10 PSIA transducer with mV/V output, 1/4 -18 NPT-M fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-20 PSIA transducer with mV/V output, 1/4 -18 NPT-M fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 10 周
0-25 PSIA transducer with mV/V output, 1/4 -18 NPT-M fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-15 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 10 周
0-50 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 10 周
0-75 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-100 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-300 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-500 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-1,000 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-1,500 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-2,000 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-3,500 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-5,000 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-7,500 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16 -20 UNF-F, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePX02S1-10KGV
货期: 18 周
0-10,000 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4" high pressure tube fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-30,000 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4" high pressure tube fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-15 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-50 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-75 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-100 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePX02C1-200GV
货期: 18 周
0-200 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-300 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-500 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-1,000 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 18 周
0-2,000 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
Quick Ship
0-3,500 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-7,500 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 1/4-18 NPTM fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector
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货期: 8 周
10 foot, 4 conductor cable assembly
Quick Ship
货期: 6 周
20 foot, 4 conductor cable assembly
注: (1) 2 and 5 psi Ranges available only on amplified output. (2) 1/4 HP Tube Fitting supplied for ranges 10,000 psi and above. (3)All Gage Ranges also available in Sealed Gage Pressure.
订购示例: (1) PT06F10-6S mating connector (sold separately), ¥347.69  plus (1) PX02K1-500GV is a 500 PSIG transducer with mV/V output, 7/16-20 female fitting, and a PT1H-10-6P connector, ¥7,050.21, ¥347.69 + 7,050.21 = ¥7,397.90



(1) Pressure Port 选项:
C for 1/4 -18 NPT-M
D for 1/4 -18 NPT-F
J for 7/16 -20 UNF-M
K for 7/16 -20 UNF-F
S for 1/4 HP Tube Fitting (for models 10000 psi and over)

(2) Electrical Connection 选项:
0 for 10ft cable (std)
1 for PT1H-10-6P Connector

(3) Range (psi) 选项:
002 for 0-2
005 for 0-5
010 for 0-10
015 for 0-15
020 for 0-20
025 for 0-25
050 for 0-50
075 for 0-75
100 for 0-100
150 for 0-150
200 for 0-200
250 for 0-250
300 for 0-300
500 for 0-500
750 for 0-750
1K for 0-1000
1.5K for 0-1500
2K for 0-2000
3K for 0-3000
3.5K for 0-3500
5K for 0-5000
7.5K for 0-7500
10K for 0-10000
20K for 0-20000
30K for 0-30000

(4) Units 选项:
G for Gage Model
A for Absolute Model
S for Sealed Gage Model

(5) Output 选项:
V for mV/V Output
5E for Isolated 0 to 5 Vdc
10E for 0 to 10 Vdc Output
I for 4 to 20mA Output

(6) In Line USB Amplifier for mV Models 选项:
无(选项为空白) for none
-IN-USBH for In Line USB amplifier

(7) Options (Leave blank for no options) 选项:
for no options leave blank
-OL for Overload Stops +$65
-OX for Cleaned for Oxygen use (takes 2 weeks +$75)
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。