OMEGA’s PX3400 Series Pressure Transducer has earned a reputation for high performance, reliability and stability in tough, real-world applications. The PX3400 Series is particularly useful in deep well tools. It has a narrow body diameter of 0.75" (19mm) and pressure ranges up to 20,000 psi (1,400 bar). Two models are available, PX3425 operates up to 121°C (250°F) and the high temperature PX3435 which operates up to 177°C (+350°F). This outstanding transducer use OMEGA’s advanced sputtered thin-film sensor technology. Thousands of the PX3400 Series transducers are used for oil well logging throughout the world. Stability is critical. A transducer that shifts during a logging cycle invalidates costly data. The OMEGA’s PX3400 Series transducer uses thin-film strain gages, sputter deposited on a metal diaphragm. This advanced-technology gage system provides superior stability, especially at high temperatures often found in oil wells. The diaphragm is machined from vacuum remelted 17-4 PH stainless steel with elaborate annealing, aging and stress relieving processes to insure a stable system. The gaged diaphragm design minimizes the number of components and welds in the transducer, increasing the reliability and precision of your logging data. The heat sink effect of the diaphragm, and the high bridge resistance reduce gage self-heating, decrease warm up time and conserve battery power. A built in Platinum resistance temperature element (RTD) provides data to correct temperature effects with an external microprocessor. OMEGA’s PX3400 series transducer can be modified to meet your design requirements. A broad selection of optional features are available, including pressure and electrical connections, special testing, additional thermal compensation and 200°C (400°F) operating temperatures.
@ 25°C ±1°C
Excitation: 10 Vdc
Full Scale Output:
30 mV typical, 26mV minimum
Zero Balance: 0.0mV, +3 mV, -0 mV
Input & Output Resistance: 2000 Ω
minimum, 3000 Ω maximum
Insulation Resistance: 500 megohms
minimum @ 45 Vdc between any
connection and case over the calibrated
temperature range
Sensing Element: 4 active-arm bridge
Gages are sputtered-deposited on the
pressure summing diaphragm
Linearity: ±0.15% FSO maximum
measured best fit straight line through
all data points
Hysteresis: ±0.06% FSO (max) at
constant temperature for a complete
pressure cycle
Long Term Stability: Zero and
sensitivity stability is better than ±0.1%
over a six month period when the
transducer is operated within the
specified environment
Operating Temp Range:
PX3425: -54° to +121°C
(-65° to +250°F)
PX3435: -54° to +177°C
(-65° to +350°F)
Compensated Temp Range:
PX3425: -18° to +121°C (0° to +250°F)
PX3435: -18° to +177°C (0° to +350°F)
Thermal Effects:
(Over the compensated range)
Span: ±0.03% FSO/°F
Zero: ±0.03% FSO/°F
Vibration Sensitivity: At 35g peak
sinusoidal vibration from 10 Hz to 2000
Hz (1/2 ” D.A.) , the output shall not
exceed 0.003% FSO/g
Natural Frequency: >50,000 Hz
Shock: Qualification level of 100g,
11 msec half sine wave without damage
Temperature: Platinum resistance
device to DIN43760 (alpha = 0.00385
½/ohm/°C). See ordering box for
resistance at 0°C (32°F)
Proof Pressure: 1.5 times rated
pressure or 25,000 psi whichever is
less, will not cause the performance to
shift beyond the specified tolerances
Burst Pressure: 2.0 times rated
pressure or 30,000 psi whichever is
less, will not cause rupture of the
pressure containment cavity.
Wetted Parts: 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
Electrical Connection:
7 separate PTFE insulated stranded
wires 25" ± 2" (0.6m ± 0.05m) in length
Pressure Fitting:
9/16 -18 UNF-2A (Mates
with Autoclave F250C or Sno-Trik 44F)
4 oz (114g) max including cable
Calibration Record:
OMEGA’s Calibration record is supplied.
Also documented is the pre-ship output
at atmospheric pressure and the
temperature sensor resistance at
25°C ± 2.8°C (77°F ± 5°F)
Options: Special electrical and
pressure connections. Special testing
and calibration procedures. Higher
operating temperatures.