The PX409S Series sanitary pressure transducers and sanitary pressure transmitters are made using our proven micromachined silicon process.
They are available with 1½ or 2 in sanitary fittings and are designed for long reliable service in pressure or level
CIP applications in food processing, beverage or bio/
pharmaceutical applications as well as industrial applications that
require a rugged, high accuracy pressure transmitter. The micro-machined
silicon sensor provides a very stable transducer with exceptional
high accuracy of 0.08% and a broad compensated range of -4
to 85°C (25 to 185°F). The modular construction
allows for fast delivery of most configurations and fittings.
SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy: 0.08% Best Straight Line (Linearity, Hysteresis and Repeatability combined) Operating Temperature Range: -15 to 115°C (-5 to 240°F) Compensated Temperature Range: -4 to 85°C (25 to 185°F) Temperature Compensation: Zero and Span Combined ≥5psi: 1% over 55.6°C (100°F) range ≤2.5 psi: 2% over 55.6°C (100°F) range Min Isolation Between Case and Output Terminations: 100 MΩ @ 50 Vdc Pressure Cycles: 250,000, minimum Long Term Stability (1-Year): ±0.1% FS typ. Shock: 50 g, 11 ms half sine shock, (under test) Vibration: ±20 g (under test) Bandwidth: DC to 1 kHz typical Response Time: <1 ms Fill Fluid: NEOBEE M5 Food grade CE Compliant: Meets industrial emissions and immunity standard IEC61326 Environmental Protection: IP65 or IP67 depending upon electrical termination Pressure Rating: 1½ and 2 in Tri-Grip (Tri-Clamp® compatible) fitting: 600 psi using suitable clamp Over Pressure: 4 x rated pressure to maximum rated flange pressure Secondary Containment: 6 x rated pressure to a maximum of 2000 psi (not in clamp) Wetted Parts: 316L SS Weight: 285 gm (10 oz) Zero Balance: ±0.5% FS typical, 1% max (For ranges ≤2.5 psi ±1% typ 2% max) Span Setting: ±0.5% FS typical, 1% max (For ranges ≤2.5 psi, ±1% typ 2% max) Calibrated in vertical position with fitting down 10 mV/V OUTPUT Output/Supply: 10 mV/V; Ratiometric 5 to 10 Vdc AMPLIFIED VOLTAGE OUTPUT Output/ Supply: 0 to 5 Vdc: 10 to 30 Vdc @ 10 mA 0 to 10 Vdc: 15 to 30 Vdc @ 10 mA CURRENT OUTPUT Output: 4 to 20 mA Supply Voltage: 9 to 30 Vdc max loop res Ω = (Vs-9)x50 [9 to 20 Vdc above 105°C (229°F)]
Use the part number builder below to order models not shown. Specify the fitting size, pressure range, output, and electrical termination desired.
† 所有金额以RMB显示 订购示例: (1) PX429S15-001GI Sanitary pressure transmitter with 1½ Tri-Grip™ fitting, 0-1 psig pressure range, 4-20 mA output and twist lock connector termination, ¥10,094.05
Electrical Termination 选项: PX409S for 2 m (6 ft) cable PX409CS for conduit/cable PX419S for mini DIN PX429S for Twist-Lock connector PX459S for M12 Connector
Process Fitting 选项: 15 for 1.5 inch Tri-Grip 20 for 2 inch Tri-Grip (500 psi max)
Range 选项: 10W for 0 to 10 in H2O 001 for 0 to 1 psi 2.5 for 0 to 2.5 psi 005 for 0 to 5 psi 015 for 0 to 15 psi 030 for 0 to 30 psi 050 for 0 to 50 psi 100 for 0 to 100 psi 150 for 0 to 150 psi 250 for 0 to 250 psi 500 for 0 to 500 psi 600 for 0 to 600 psi (1-1/2 Clamp only)
Pressure Type 选项: G for Gage pressure CG for Compound Gage Pressure (10W to 015 Ranges) SG for Hermetically Sealed Gage (PX429 or PX449 and Ranges >=100 psi ) A for absolute pressure (5 to 600 psia) V for Gage Vacuum (10W to 015 Ranges)
Output Type 选项: V for 10 mV/V 5V for 0 to 5 Vdc 10V for 0 to 10 Vdc I for 4 to 20 mA