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¥9,860.00 PX5500L1-100G5E

  • Integral Shunt Calibration
  • Low Noise, 5 Vdc and 10 Vdc Output Models
  • High 0.1% Accuracy
  • Solid State Reliability
  • Sputtered Strain Gage Design
  • High Shock and Vibration Resistance
  • Low Drift
  • Applications
  • R&D/Engineering Test Laboratories
  • Functional Test Systems
  • Production Testing
  • Flight Testing
  • Gas Turbine and Engine Test Stands
  • Hydraulic Systems
  • Custody Transfer Measurements
压力传感器 - 查看相关产品


OMEGA’S PX5500/PXM5500 transducer series provides high performance in demanding industrial and research applications where accuracy, reliability, and price are important. These transducers have a 10-year MTBF rate and are stable to 0.1% of FSO over an 18-month period. This translates into less downtime, fewer test reruns, more time between calibrations, and high confidence in your pressure data. When recalibration is impossible, relying on the high stability of the PX5500/ PXM5500 Series transducers may be the only cost-effective way to obtain pressure data over the long term. OMEGA’s thin-film technology makes this premium performance possible. The strain gages and associated parts are sputter-deposited directly onto the pressure sensing element, eliminating the need for adhesives. The resulting molecular bond between the sensing element and the strain gage ensures virtually no shifting, drifting, or “creep” in the performance of the transducer. The micro-geometry design of the PX5500/PXM5500 sensing element affords a very small, low-mass sensor that reduces effects of mechanical vibration and shock. The PX5500/PXM5500 gives you accuracy, reliability, and stability at competitive prices.

The PX5500 is also available in Metric configurations, with ranges from 0 to 1 bar to 0 to 600 bar and metric threads. Please see PXM5500 for complete details, or contact our Pressure department for more information.

Electrical Connection: See Custom Configurations
Pressure Port: See Custom Configurations
Mating Connector (Style 1): PTS06A-10-6S (sold separately)
Weight: 225 g (8 oz) max
Excitation: 16 to 38 Vdc unregulated
Output (FS) 5E/5T Models: 5 Vdc ±0.1 Vdc ±10% adj
Output (FS) 10E Models: 10 Vdc ±0.1 Vdc ±10% adj
CE Compliant: Meets industrial emissions and immunity to EN61326
Zero Balance: 0 Vdc ±0.1 Vdc ±5% adj
Input Current: 20 mA max with no load
Output Resistance: 100 Ω max
Insulation Resistance: 100 M Ω @ 45 Vdc between all pins shorted together and case
Electrostatic Discharge: Protected to 15 kV max
Sensing Element: 4-active-arm bridge using sputter deposited thin-film elements
Accuracy: Combined linearity, hysteresis and repeatability: ±0.10% FS (BFSL) <70 bar (<1000 psi) ±0.15% FS 70 bar (1000 psi) and above
Natural Frequency: 5 kHz for 1 bar (15 psi), increasing logarithmically to 50 kHz for 5000 psi
Operating Temp Range: -54 to 121°C (-65 to 250°F)
Compensated Temp Range: -18 to 82°C (0 to 180°F)
Thermal Effects (Over the Compensated Range):
    Span: ±0.015% FS/°F (0.027%/°C)
    Zero: ±0.015% FS/°F (0.027%/°C)
Proof Pressure: 2 times rated pressure or 1000 bar (15,000 psi), whichever is less, will not cause changes in performance beyond the specified tolerance
Burst Pressure: 3 times rated pressure or 1300 bar (20,000 psi), whichever is less, will not cause rupture of the pressure containment cavity
Wetted Parts: 17-4 PH or 15-5 PH stainless steel
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

其他客户同时购买: 这个图标可以点击扩大,跳出的清单包括了其他客户在购买此产品时同时购买的其它产品。

Sampling of Popular Standard Models with 0 to 5 or 0 to 10 Vdc Output Shown Below (See Part Number Builder for All Available Configurations/Options)
Absolute Pressure (All Ranges Available in Absolute Pressure)
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-15 psi,1/8-27 NPT male pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-1500 psi, MS33656-4 pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-1500 psi, MS33656-4 pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-10 Vdc output
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-2500 psi, MS33656-4 pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-2500 psi, MS33656-4 pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-10 Vdc output
Gage Pressure (All Ranges Also Available in Sealed Gage Pressure)
Quick Ship
货期: 18 周
0-100 psi, 1/8-27 NPT female pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
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货期: 18 周
0-15 psi, 1/4-18 NPT male pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
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货期: 18 周
0-250 psi, 1/4-18 NPT male pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
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货期: 18 周
0-500 psi, 1/4-18 NPT male pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
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0-250 psi, 1/4-18 NPT male pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-10 Vdc output
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货期: 18 周
0-15 psi, MS33656-4 pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
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货期: 18 周
0-5000 psi, MS33656-4 pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
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货期: 18 周
0-10,000 psi, MS33656-4 pressure port, PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector, 0-5 Vdc output
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePT06F10-6S
货期: 库存
Mating connector for PX5500 Series units with PTIH-10-6P twist-lock connector
注: Comes complete with 5-point NIST-traceable calibration. Visit us online for compatible meters.
To order Sealed Gage transducers, change “G” in Gage model numbers to “S” (no extra charge).
Please contact Factory for Price and Availability of optional electrical connection cable length longer than standard 2'.



(1) Pressure Port 选项:
A for 1/8-27 NPT male
B for 1/8-27 NPT female
C for 1/4-18 NPT male
D for 1/4-18 NPT female
L for MS33656-4
M for MS33649-4

(2) Electrical Connection 选项:
0 for 0.6 m (2') Cable
1 for PTIH-10-6P Twist-Lock Connector
6 for Mini DIN Connector

(3) Pressure Range 选项:
015 for 0 to 15 psi
025 for 0 to 25 psi
050 for 0 to 50 psi
100 for 0 to 100 psi
250 for 0 to 250 psi
500 for 0 to 500 psi
1K for 0 to 1000 psi
1.5K for 0 to 1500 psi
2.5K for 0 to 2500 psi
3K for 0 to 3000 psi
5K for 0 to 5000 psi
10K for 0 to 10000 psi

(4) Units 选项:
S for Sealed Gage Pressure
G for Gage Pressure
A for Absolute Pressure

(5) Output 选项:
5E for 0 to 5 Vdc
10E for 0 to 10 Vdc
5T for 0 to 5 Vdc (5T is a legacy product and is not recommended for new designs)

(6) Calibration Certificate 选项:
无(选项为空白) for No Calibration Certificate
-CAL11 for 11-Point Calibration Certificate
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。