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RHB-1500 Series

Dew Point Monitor | RHB-1500 Series

Dew Point Monitor


2年保修 CE
  • Primary Field Measurement Technique
  • NIST Traceable
  • +/- 0.2 deg C
  • Rechargeable Batteries
  • Easily Transportable in Hard Protective Case
  • Wide Measurement Range: -60 to 75°C (-76 to 167°F)
  • Microprocessor Controlled
  • Self-Balancing
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This portable dew point hygrometer integrates the accuracy and reliability of the chilled mirror with the battery life and ruggedness required for field use.
The RHB-1500-C portable chilledmirror hygrometer has all the standard features, such as drift-free NIST-traceable accuracy, low maintenance, high durability, and ease of use—in a system that is ideally suited for the demands of field use. Whether you use the RHB-1500-C as a field transfer standard or to spot-check your process air dryness or dew point, you'll find this system provides trouble-free operation.
The RHB-1500-C is a self-contained system. Not only is no field assembly required, but also there's no need to carry around a myriad of individual components such as control boxes, sensors, cables, pumps, and power cords. Simply attach the sample line, adjust the flow (with the integral flowmeter), and turn on the power. Within minutes you'll be collecting field dew point data with the same chilled-mirror accuracy of a lab-standard hygrometer. And with a nominal battery life of 12 hours, the RHB-1500-C lets you collect for the entire shift or spot-check your processes for several days.
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货期: 8 周
Battery powered, 2-stage chilled mirror and temperature probe with 3 m (10') cable
注: Comes with complete operator’s manual.
订购示例: (1) RHB-1500-C1S2 Battery powered, 2-stage chill mirror, ¥79,151.15