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RHCM Series

 | RHCM Series


  • No Routine Calibration Needed
  • Minimum Drift
  • ±1°F Dewpoint Accuracy
  • 24 Vdc, 24 Vac, 115 Vac ad 230 Vac Power Available
  • RTD Simulator or 4 to 20 mA Output


The RHCM Series has been discontinued. Please see the RHB-CAC1S Series as a possible alternative or contact our Temperature Engineering department.

The RHCM series is a family of low cost, high performance chilled mirror dewpoint transmitters. The sensor provides accurate long term repeatability and high reliability performance for process control and energy management. The RHCM-10 sensor electronics are housed in a rugged enclosure which can be wall mounted for climate control. The RHCM-20 and RHCM-30 sensors are designed to be either pipe or duct mounted for process control in HVAC/Energy management applications. Field calibration is not required and the ambient temperature effects, hysteresis, and calibration drift with age are all virtually eliminated.

The RHCM series offer a wide range of user specified power inputs including 24 Vdc, 24 Vac, 115 Vac and 230 Vac, for many applications. The user specified outputs include 100½ platinum RTD (4-wire) or 4 to 20 mA, which can be scaled over three different temperature ranges of 0 to 100°F, 0 to 50°C and -40 to 140°F. Either output can be directly connected to a panel meter, controller or data acquisition system.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

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Wall mount dewpoint/temperature transmitter
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4 conductor shielded transmitter cable (100 ft)



(1) Wall Duct or Pipe Mount 选项:
10 for Wall mount
10T for Wall mount temperature
20 for Duct mount
30 for Pipe mount

(2) Power Supply Option 选项:
1 for 24 Vdc
2 for 24 Vac
3 for 115 Vac
4 for 230 Vac

(3) Output Option 选项:
PT100 for 100 ohm
100F for 4-20 mA (0-100°F)
50C for 4-20 mA (0-50°C)
140F for 4-20 mA (-40-140°F)

(4) Second Output Option 选项:
无(选项为空白) for Standard Unit
-PT100 for 100 ohm
-100F for 4-20 mA (0-100°F)
-50C for 4-20 mA (0-50°C)
-140F for 4-20 mA (-40-140°F) 2nd Output Option available for only Wall mount dewpoint/temperature transmitter
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。