Pricing for several popular models is shown in the ordering table below. Use the Part Number Builder to obtain pricing for other models.
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: Insert “-10” for package of 10 or “-30” for package of 30. 订购示例: (1) RLC-60-58/88-30 16 Temperature Levels Label, 58 to 88°F & 14 to 31°C (2°F Increments), package of 30, ¥491.58
Temperature Range 选项: 58/88 for 58 to 88°F/14 to 31°C (2°F increments) 26/56 for 26 to 56°F/-3°C to 13°C (2°F increments) 14/31 for 14 to 31°C/58 to 88°F (1°C increments) 3/13 for –3 to 13°C/26 to 56°F (1°C increments) 90/120 for 90 to 120°F/32 to 49°C (2°F increments) 32/49 for 32 to 49°C/90 to 120°F (1°C increments)
Package Quantity 选项: -10 for Package of 10 -30 for Package of 30