All of OMEGA’s RTD elements can be supplied with additional lead wire attached to existing leads. Longer leads create more flexibility for use in many applications.
Pricing for several popular models is shown in the ordering table below. Use the Part Number Builder to obtain pricing for other models. For complete product specifications see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: These elements are not intended for direct immersion into liquids. Style 2 is standard wire configuration. To order style 1 (2-wire), replace the “-2-” with “-1-”in the model number. To order style 3 (4-wire), replace the “-2-” with “-3-” in the model number. For leads over 36", change the “36” in the model number to length desired and add $2.25/ft (Styles 2 & 3) or $1.40/ft (Style 1). Other RTD elements are also available with lead wire attached; consult Sales for Availability and Pricing. Terminations available: “-LUG”, add $4.50. For miniature connectors, use suffix “-MTP” or “-OTP” for standard size connectors, and add $7. (OPTIONS SHOWN IN THIS "NOTE" ABOVE ARE PRICED IN US$) 订购示例: (1) RTD-1-F3102-36-T A F3102 element, style 1, with 36, ¥669.33
Wire Style 选项: 1 for 2-wire 2 for 3-wire 3 for 4-wire
Lead Wire Insulation Type 选项: T for PFA G for Fiberglass B for Bare