SEPDH Series
Explosion Resistant Drum Heaters
Factory Mutual Hazardous Area Approval
Class I, Div 2, Groups B, C, and D; Class II, Div 2, Groups F and G
Inherently Safe
Integral Built-In High-Limit Thermal Cutout** Prevents Temperature Runaway
Up to 21/2 Watts Per Square Inch
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† 所有金额以RMB显示
注: * Insert “High-Limit Thermostat Temperature” rating from above table. The maximum allowable sheath temperature (“T” rating) must be specified if drum heater is to be used in a Division 2 area. “C” specifies heaters with adjustable temperature control assembly and temperature ranges from -4 to 163°C (25 to 325°F).
** Article 501 of the NEC requires that the maximum sheath temperature of the heater shall not exceed 80 percent of the auto-ignition temperature of the surrounding atmosphere when heater is continuously energized.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: The minimum temperature required to initiate or cause selfsustained combustion of a solid, liquid or gas independently of the heating or heated element (see NFPA 325M, Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids).
订购示例: (1) SEPDH-C-1300-120-T3 55 gallon, 120 V drum heater with a T3 rating of 156°C (312°F), ¥24,940.11