Use these high stability resistors to do span and temperature compensation on your strain bridge circuits. SPECIFICATIONS Foil Measuring Grid:Nickel foil 5 microns thick
Carrier: Polyimide
Substrate Thickness: 20 microns
Cover Thickness: 25 microns
Tolerance in Ω: ±1 Ω
Temp Coefficient of Resistance:0.6%/°C (0.34%/°F)
Temperature Range: 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F)
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: Sold in packages of 5 resistors. 订购示例: (1) SGN-2/20-E Pkg of 5 Encapsulated 2 mm grid, 20 ohm span compensation nickel resistors, ¥257.00