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便携式Ice Point校准参比室,带内置温度显示屏


Portable Ice Point Reference | TRCIII-A

Portable Ice Point Reference

¥58,510.00 TRCIII-A

  • New Stylish Design
  • Portable Rugged Case for Use in the Factory, Calibration Laboratory, or Instrument Shop
  • Built in Temperature Readout with 0.1° Resolution [°F/°C]
  • Accepts up to 6 Probes at One Time
  • Calibration of All Temperature Instruments and Sensors
  • 230 Vac CE Marked Models
  • NIST Calibration Certificate Included
  • Bench-Top Design with Tilt Handle Standard
  • Illuminated Power Switch
  • Companion hot point™ Dry Block Probe Calibrator Available (Model CL900A/950A)
校准设备 - 查看相关产品


The new ice point™ reference chamber TRCIII-A is the latest addition to OMEGA’s fine line of calibration reference instrumentation. The TRCIII-A ice point™ reference chamber relies on the equilibrium of ice and distilled, deionized water at atmospheric pressure to maintain six reference wells at precisely 0°C. Each well extends into a sealed cylindrical chamber containing the distilled deionized water. The outer walls of the chamber are cooled by thermoelectric cooling elements. The increase in volume produced by the creation of ice crystals within the cell is sensed by the expansion of a bellows, which operates a micro switch and controls the cooling elements. The alternate freezing and thawing of the ice accurately maintains a 0°C environment around the reference wells. The TRCIII-A has a built in temperature readout [°C/°F] with 0.1° resolution. The unit comes with a NIST-traceable calibration certificate.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

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货期: 6 周
ice pointTM reference cell, 115 Vac
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ice pointTM reference cell, 230 Vac
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Temperature reference probe - Type K
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Temperature reference probe - Type J
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Temperature reference probe - Type E
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货期: 8 周
Temperature reference probe - Type T
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Temperature reference probe - Type S
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theTRP-R
货期: 8 周
Temperature reference probe - Type R
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货期: 2 周
Temperature reference probe - Type B
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Temperature reference probe - Type G
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Temperature reference probe - Type C
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Temperature reference probe - Type D
注: Only 230 Vac model is available as CE marked.
Look for our TRP Thermocouple Series Reference Junction Probes available in J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, G, and D Calkibration
订购示例: (1) TRCIII-A Ice PointTM Reference Cell, 115 Vac, ¥58,510.00  plus (1) TRP-K Temperature Reference Probe - Type K, ¥1,367.54, ¥58,510.00 + 1,367.54 = ¥59,877.54