TheTWAM5 is also available in standard configurations, with 0-100 to 0-20,000 lb ranges.
Please see the TWA5 for complete details, or contact our Pressure department for more information..
SPECIFICATIONS Non-parallel Mounting: Self-adjusting for surfaces up to 2° Thermal Expansion: Self-adjusting for up to ±1/16" Height: Adjustable per dimension "J" Weight: (including load cell):
100-750: 10 lb (4.5 kg)
1000-5000: 23 lb (10.5 kg)
10,000: 25 lb (11.5 kg)
20,000: 55 lb (25 kg) 5- Point Calibration (in compression): 0%, 50%, 100%, 50%, 0%
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: All TWAM5 and TWAM6 models Include a LCM501 Load Cell. 订购示例: (1) TWAM6-250 250 kg Stainless Steel Weigh Assemble , ¥11,525.00