FEP tubing is very similar to PFA tubing in flexibility and appearance.
The major difference is the service temperature range for
FEP: -73 to 204°C (-100 to 400°F).
Specifications Hardness, Shore D: 56
Specific Gravity: 2.15 Tensile Strength: 3400 psi Elongation at Break: 325% Brittle Temperature: <-170°C (-275°F) Service Temperature: -73 to 204°C (-100 to 400°F)
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: Specifications shown are typical and are meant only as a guide. Field testing is recommended to find the actual values in the given application. FEP is clear in color and can be heat sealed and heat bonded. Sold in standard lengths of 25, 50, and 100 ft. FEP packages have no splices. Consult Sales for available non-standard colors. 订购示例: (1) TYTF-332132-100 3/32 OD (in), 1/32 ID (in) tubing, 100 ft, ¥830.00