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Wireless Thermocouple and RTD Industrial Probe Assemblies


Wireless Thermocouple and RTD Industrial Probe Assemblies | UWTC-NB9-CASS-18U-12

Wireless Thermocouple and RTD Industrial Probe Assemblies

¥3,570.00 UWTC-NB9-CASS-316U-12

  • Available As Thermocouple or RTD Models
  • Free Software Converts Your PC Into a Multi-Channel Chart Recorder or Data Logger
  • Complete Industrial Assembly Includes: Probe, NB9 Head with Built-In Wireless Transmitter Board and Long Life Battery
无线传感器, 发送器, 接收器, 仪表和控制器 - 查看相关产品


Omega's new Wireless Industrial Thermocouple and RTD Probe Assemblies feature a complete, ready to install, pre-wired sensor and wireless transmitter package. Each battery powered wireless unit will transmit measurement back to a host receiver up to 120 m (400') away. Each unit comes pre-programmed to operate as a Type J, K, T, E, R,S, B, N or C thermocouple or RTD. When activated the unit will transmit readings continuously at pre-set time intervals that has been programmed by the user during the initial setup and installation. Each unit measures and transmits: process temperature, ambient temperature, wireless link signal strength and battery condition to the host and is displayed on the PC screen in real time using the provided free software.
Thermocouple (TC) Models
Available Types: J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C or N
Thermocouple Measurement Range:
J: -100 to 760°C (-148 to 1400°F)
K: -100 to 1260°C (-148 to 2300°F)
T: -200 to 400°C (-328 to 752°F)
E: -200 to 1000°C (-328 to 1832°F)
R: 260 to 1760°C (500 to 3200°F)
S: 260 to 1760°C (500 to 3200°F)
B: 870 to 1820°C (1598 to 3308°F)
C: 0 to 2315°C (32 to 4200°F)
N: -100 to 1260°C (-148 to 2300°F)
TC Measurement Accuracy:
Type J, K: ±0.5% of reading or ±1.0°C (1.8°F), whichever is greater
Type T, E, N: ±0.5% of reading or ±2.0°C (3.6°F), whichever is greater
Type R, S, B, C: ±0.5% of full scale
TC Measurement Resolution:
1°C/1°F: Type J, K, T, E, N,
0.5°C: Type R, S, B, C
Cold Junction Compensation (Automatic): -10 to 70°C (14 to 158°F)
Resistive Temperature Device (RTD) models
Available Types: 100 Ω (standard), 500 Ω , 1000 Ω (special order)
Battery Life (Typical): 3 years (1 sample/minute reading rate @ 25°C (77°F))

Note: Because of transmission frequency regulations, these products may only be used in the United States and Canada.

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Omega USB products Compatibility with Windows 7,8 and 10

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Thermocouple Assemblies (typical examples shown, use the Part Number Builder below to specify you exact model)
Quick Ship
货期: 7 周
Wireless industrial thermocoupe probe assembly, type K thermocouple, 1/4 inch diameter stainless steel sheath, ungrounded junction, 12 inch probe length
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货期: 7 周
Wireless industrial thermocoupe probe assembly, type J thermocouple, 1/4 inch diameter stainless steel sheath, ungrounded junction, 18 inch probe length
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货期: 7 周
Wireless industrial thermocoupe probe assembly, type K thermocouple, 1/8 inch diameter inconel sheath, ungrounded junction, 24 inch probe length
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货期: 7 周
Wireless industrial thermocoupe probe assembly, type J thermocouple, 3/16 inch diameter stainless steel sheath, ungrounded junction, 6 inch probe length
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theUWTC-NB9-CPSS-316U-6
货期: 7 周
Wireless industrial thermocoupe probe assembly, type T thermocouple, 3/16 inch diameter stainless steel sheath, ungrounded junction, 6 inch probe length
RTD Assemblies (typical examples shown, use the Part Number Builder below to specify you exact model)
Quick Ship
货期: 7 周
Wireless industrial RTD probe assembly, 100 ohm 0.00385 curve with a 1/4 inch diameter 304 stainless steel sheath, 24 inch probe length
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货期: 7 周
Wireless industrial RTD probe assembly, 100 ohm 0.00392 curve with a 1/8 inch diameter 304 stainless steel sheath, 12 inch probe length
Receivers and Accessories
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货期: 8 周
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Multi channel transceiver with 1 channel 0-10 Vdc output and backlit local display
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Multi channel transceiver with 1 channel 4-20 mA output and backlit local display
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Multi channel transceiver with 1 channel 0-10 Vdc output
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货期: 2 周
Multi channel transceiver with 1 channel 4-20 mA output
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货期: 2 周
Optional high performance antenna
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货期: 8 周
Spare programing cable (one included with receivers!)
注: Comes with one 3.6 V lithium battery, programming software, measurement and logging software, mounting bracket, type K beaded wire thermocouple, and user manual.



(1) Model Type 选项:
TC for Thermocouple

(2) Input Type and Sheath Material 选项:
ICIN for Thermocouple Type J Inconel
ICSS for Thermocouple Type J 304 SS
CAIN for Thermocouple Type K Inconel
CASS for Thermocouple Type K 304 SS
CXIN for Thermocouple Type E Inconel
CXSS for Thermocouple Type E 304 SS
CPIN for Thermocouple Type T Inconel
CPSS for Thermocouple Type T 304 SS
NNIN for Thermocouple Type N Inconel
1PT304 for RTD Pt100 0.00385 Ohm 304 SS
1PT316 for RTD Pt100 0.00385 Ohm 316 SS
2PT304 for RTD Pt100 0.00392 Ohm 304 SS
2PT316 for RTD Pt100 0.00392 Ohm 316 SS

(3) Sheath Diameter 选项:
116 for 1/16 Inch
18 for 1/8 Inch
316 for 3/16 Inch
14 for 1/4 Inch

(4) Junction Type 选项:
无(选项为空白) for RTD Model
U for Ungrounded (Thermocouple Model)

(5) Probe Length 选项:
6 for 6 Inch
12 for 12 Inch
18 for 18 Inch
24 for 24 Inch
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。


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