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XC, XC4, and XS

Nextel Braided Ceramic Very High Temperature Sleeving | XC, XC4, and XS

Nextel Braided Ceramic Very High Temperature Sleeving


  • Six Sizes
  • 1/16", 1/8", 3/16", 3/8", 1/4", 1/2" Nominal Inside Diameter
  • Low Thermal Conductivity
  • Non-Hygroscopic
  • XC Series: 1200°C (2200°F ) Continuous Rating - Nextel 312
  • XC Series: 1425°C (2600°F) Short Term Rating - Nextel 312
  • XC4 Series: 1375°C (2500°F) Continuous Rating - Nextel 440
  • XC4 Series: 1550°C (2800°F) Short Term Rating - Nextel 440
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Nextel 312 is an Alumina-Borica-Silica fiber that is braided without the aid of organic, glass or metal inserts. This sleeving retains strength and flexibility at continuous exposure to 1200°C (2200°F). Short exposures to 1425°C (2600°F) can be tolerated. Most common metals (except molten copper and tin) do not attack the fibers.

Because Nextel 312 Ceramic Fibers contain no residual acids or chlorides, there are no chemicals present to corrode or etch the wires. Even in a test involving exposure to 96 percent relative humidity, no noticeable electrolytic corrosion was detected.

Not recommended for use in abrasive environments without the protection of Inconel® overbraiding or a thermowell.

Nextel material is also used to insulate fuel cell interconnect wire see part number XTW-XT-NN-24 for fuel cell application details.

This material is intended for industrial applications only. In addition, Omega does not recommend this material for food, cosmetic, medical, or pharmaceutical use.
订购 所有价格均为人民币税前价格,不包括13%增值税和运费!(指定型号)

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XC and XC4 Nextel Material
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货期: 12 周
10 feet, 1/2 inch, Nextel 312 insulation, 1200°C (2200°F) continuous temperature rating
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100 feet, 1/2 inch, Nextel 312 insulation, 1200°C (2200°F) continuous temperature rating
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theXC-116-25
货期: 9 周
25 feet, 1/16 inch, Nextel 312 insulation, 1200°C (2200°F) continuous temperature rating
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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theXC-38-100
货期: 12 周
100 feet, 3/8 inch, Nextel 312 insulation, 1200°C (2200°F) continuous temperature rating
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货期: 12 周
25 feet, 3/8 inch, Nextel 440 insulation, 1375°C (2500°F) continuous temperature rating
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货期: 12 周
50 feet, 1/4 inch, Nextel 440 insulation, 1375°C (2500°F) continuous temperature rating
XS Silica Material
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货期: 9 周
25 feet, 1/16 inch, Silica Sleeving
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货期: 16 周
50 feet, 3/8 inch, Silica Sleeving
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货期: 16 周
100 feet, 1/4 inch, Silica Sleeving
注: The length is measured when the sleeving is empty and in a relaxed state.
订购示例: (1) XC-116-25 1/16 Nextel 312 insulation, 1200°C (2200°F) continuous temperature rating, $1.25/ft. x 25, ¥975.00



(1) Material Type 选项:
XC for Nextel 312
XC4 for Nextel 440
XS for Silica

(2) Sleeve Diameter 选项:
116 for 1/16 inch
18 for 1/8 inch
316 for 3/16 inch
14 for 1/4 inch
38 for 3/8 inch
12 for 1/2 inch

(3) Sleeve Length 选项:
无(选项为空白) for Unspecified Length (Priced per Ft)
-10 for 10 Ft.
-25 for 25 Ft.
-50 for 50 Ft.
-100 for 100 Ft.
注: 并非所有组合都有效,请查阅规格表上的有效产品编号。