This cable is great for manufacturing sensors or for use as extension wire. Available in 2, 3 and 4 wire constructions, two color codes (red/black or red/white), three insulation and jacketing materials (PFA, Fiberglass and PVC) and three conductor sizes (#20 AWG Solid, #24 or #26 AWG Stranded) this cable will work with a wide variety of applications. Standard spool lengths include 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 feet.
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: For Stainless Steel Overbraid, add "-SB" to the end of the part number and $0.21/foot to the price.
订购示例: (1) EXGG-2CU-26S-50 50 Foot Spool of 2 Conductor #26AWG Sranded Nickel Plated Copper, Fiberglass Insulated (1 Black and 1 Red) with Fiberglass Overjacket., ¥441.51 plus (1) EXGG-4CUI-24S-200 200 Foot Spool of 4 Conductor #24AWG Sranded Nickel Plated Copper, Fiberglass Insulated (2 Red and 2 White) with Fiberglass Overjacket., ¥1,978.09 plus (1) EXTT-3CU-26S-100 100 Foot Spool of 3 Conductor #26AWG Sranded Nickel Plated Copper, PFA Insulated (2 Black and 1 Red) with PFA Overjacket., ¥1,662.28 plus (1) EXTT-3CUI-26S-500 500 Foot Spool of 3 Conductor #26AWG Sranded Nickel Plated Copper, PFA Insulated (2 Red and 1 White) with PFA Overjacket., ¥5,087.20, ¥441.51 + 1,978.09 + 1,662.28 + 5,087.20 = ¥9,169.08
Insulation Type 选项: TT for PFA Insulated & Jacketed GG for Fiberglass Insulated & Jacketed PP for PVC Insulated & Jacketed
Number of Conductors 选项: 2 for Two Conductor 3 for Three Conductor 4 for Four Conductor
Color Code 选项: 无(选项为空白) for Red & Black Color Code I for Red & White Color Code
AWG 选项: 20 for 20 AWG (EXGG-2CU Only) 24S for 24S AWG (EXPP Only) 26S for 26S AWG (EXGG and EXTT Only)
Options 选项: 无(选项为空白) for None -SB for Stainless Steel Overbraid
Spool Length in Feet 选项: 25 for 25 Feet 50 for 50 Feet 100 for 100 Feet 200 for 200 Feet 500 for 500 Feet 1000 for 1000 Feet