Polyethylene tubing is not to be used with barbed fittings due to its tendency to form stress cracks. Use compression-type fittings instead.
Specifications Specific Gravity: .921 Tensile Strength, psi: 1600 Hardness: 50 Shore D Elongation at Break, %: 500 Brittle Temperature: -60°C (–76°F) Maximum Operating Temperature: 60°C (140°F)
Specifications shown are typical and are meant only as a guide. Field testing is recommended to find actual values in the given application. Note: The listed working pressures are based on a short-term burst using a 4-to-1 safety factor.
† 所有金额以RMB显示 注: Specifications shown are typical and are meant only as a guide. Field testing is recommended to find actual values in the given application. The listed working pressures are based on a short-term burst using a 4-to-1 safety factor. 订购示例: (1) TYPE-14170-500 1/4 OD (in), 0.17 ID (in) tubing, ¥925.00